Is It Any Wonder (Nantucket Love Story #2) - Courtney Walsh Page 0,29

island to South Carolina. Another one hired them to oversee the design aspects of her home renovation.

“Let me give it some thought,” she said. “I’ll talk with my team—” the “team” consisted of her and Alyssa, but they didn’t need to know that—“and get back to you in the next day or so?”

Duncan nodded. “You can send your ideas to Cody. Or maybe you two could just get together again in a few days? I’ve put him in charge of this project, so he’ll be your contact.”

She glanced at Cody, who looked like he’d rather be having his wisdom teeth extracted. Handsome, friendly, jovial Master Chief Duncan McGreery had made crotchety, crusty Cody Boggs the face of the United States Coast Guard on Nantucket? Should she tell him it was a mistake?

Louisa and Ally prided themselves on being able to handle just about anything that came their way—and they dealt with a lot of difficult personalities. Still, she’d bet money that working alongside Cody would be her biggest challenge yet.

She considered turning the job down, but that was impractical. She desperately needed the work. She wasn’t at a point where she could be picky, especially not with a reason as lame as “I don’t want to have to deal with this man or the way I feel when I’m around him.” For pete’s sake, she was an adult, whether Eric believed it or not.

Cody would have to get over it. Why did he insist on being so crabby toward her anyway? Everybody liked Louisa. She was utterly likable. He was the one with a less-than-personable demeanor.

“It’ll be great press for the two of you to be working on this project together, given your history,” Duncan said.

Louisa frowned, while the crease in Cody’s forehead deepened. “Our history?” she asked.

Duncan looked confused. “You almost drowning, him saving your life.”

Her heart steadied, but only slightly. “Right,” she said.

“Okay, we’ll leave you to the brainstorming, unless you think you might benefit from our help?” Duncan shifted forward on his chair.

“No, that’s okay,” she said. What she meant was There’s no way I can think with Cody staring at me. “I do my best thinking when I’m alone.” She stood. “I can work a few ideas up and get them to you by Friday.”

She ignored the red flag waving at the back of her mind.

She had the Timmons anniversary party Friday night. She was overpromising. She might’ve even been overselling her abilities a little because she wanted to look good in front of the first boy she’d ever loved.

Great. She was officially a ninny. That’s what Maggie called girls who made senseless decisions because of boys. Ninnies. She’d never thought of herself as a ninny before, but here she was, acting like one.

Seconds later, she was walking both men toward the door. They said their goodbyes (she was very professional if she did say so herself), but as soon as they were gone, she dropped into the nearby armchair and buried her face in her hands.

This summer was turning out to be a disaster, and it wasn’t even June.


LATER THAT DAY, CODY STOOD IN THE KITCHEN of his small apartment, provided by the United States Coast Guard. He had unpacked his one duffel bag the day he arrived, but he’d yet to touch a single box or figure out a way to furnish the place. As it was, the only thing he’d had time to get was a bed, an armchair, and a small television.

It was quiet. Too quiet. And he hated it.

He called the base. Duncan answered. “Boggs, you’re off duty. Don’t you know how to relax?”

Cody didn’t say so, but no, he really didn’t.

“You live on an island. Go for a swim. Fish. Kayak. Go out with some of the guys. But you’re done working today.”

Cody couldn’t be sure, but it seemed like his master chief was still concerned about his well-being. As if he’d never rescued someone from the water before.

He was fine. Never mind that saving a life always reminded him of the ones he’d lost. He turned his arm over and studied the tattoo on the inside of his bicep—hash marks underneath two simple letters, D. B.—a painful but important reminder of why he chose this life in the first place.

Duncan hung up, and Cody plopped down in the lone armchair and sighed. He didn’t like sitting still. He needed to get out and do something. He changed into his running shorts and an old Nike T-shirt, tied his Copyright 2016 - 2024