Is It Any Wonder (Nantucket Love Story #2) - Courtney Walsh Page 0,125

keep it all a secret, even after my mom came to you.”

Warren let out a sad sigh. “It’s the single biggest regret of my life. I should’ve taken care of you all. I should’ve made sure your mom lived the way Daniel wanted her to. I was a coward. I was a fool. I see that now, and I understand if you hate me.” His plea seemed genuine.

“I don’t hate you,” Cody said after a moment of silence. “I don’t hate you, because my father loved you. And love means—” he shrugged—“second chances. In spite of our mistakes.”

Warren broke—a sob escaped seemingly against his will. It was uncomfortable, seeing this man break down in front of him.

Then, slowly, Cody found the words he’d been practicing all morning. “I forgive you. I’m still angry, and I’m going to work through that, but if I ever have it in my power to offer forgiveness, I’m going to. I want my dad’s sacrifice to mean something.”

Warren pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes.

JoEllen reached across the sofa and put her hand over Cody’s. “Your father would be so, so proud of you.”

Cody wouldn’t go into details with them, but he was starting to learn that even though he might have a right to be angry, he had a choice not to give in to that feeling. He would offer forgiveness to someone who didn’t deserve it, the way his father had offered his life to save Cody’s. Though Cody’s sacrifice wasn’t nearly as great, it still meant laying down a piece of himself. It still meant setting aside his offenses in order to bring about peace.

He hoped JoEllen was right—he hoped his choice would’ve made his father proud.

“That’s all I came to say, sir.” Cody got to his feet.

Warren stood and faced him, extending a hand in Cody’s direction.

Cody looked at it, then clasped his hand around it. Louisa’s dad pulled him into a bear hug. “Thank you.”

Cody took a step back, but Warren still held on to his hand.

“I mean it, son,” he said, tears in his eyes. “Thank you.”

JoEllen was at his side. “I’ve got tuna salad in the fridge. You could stay for lunch?”

“Thanks, but I can’t.”

“Will you see Louisa tomorrow?” JoEllen asked as she walked him to the door. “It’s a big day.”

He looked away. He didn’t think Louisa would welcome him at Brant Point, pact or no pact.

“Oh,” JoEllen said sadly. “Well, we wish you a very happy birthday anyway.”

Louisa Elizabeth Chambers was born at 2:52 p.m. on July 30.

Cody Daniel Boggs was born at 5:27 p.m. on July 30.

And thirty years later, on July 30, from 2:52 p.m. until 5:27 p.m., the pact said they would find a way to reunite at Brant Point lighthouse for a picnic lunch and the exchanging of birthday wishes.

But as the clock neared 2:52 p.m., the beach around the lighthouse was horribly, eerily empty.

Hey Dad,

I did it. I forgave Warren. I didn’t want to, but I did it because I think it’s what you would’ve wanted me to do. It’s weird, but somehow I feel lighter now. Like I felt the day I decided to forgive myself.

It’s true that being forgiven changes a person. To know the depth of my own humanity, the ugly side of my sin—and to know that I’m still loved and forgiven. That’s powerful.

I think my words were powerful for Warren, too.

I’m on the ferry back to the island. I have business to take care of. I have a choice to make about the master chief position—they’ve officially offered it to me, even though I never told Duncan I’d consider it. It’s a good opportunity.

But it’s Nantucket.

Staying would be hard. How could I live on that island and not have Louisa in my life? But then how could I leave and know she won’t be in my future?

I wish you were here to tell me what to do. I wish you knew her—the person she became. I have a feeling you’d love her. She’s just so easy to love.

And she seems to be a lot like you—the way she loves people, the way she’d do anything for anyone. I didn’t realize how important that was until recently, but it’s like Louisa has always known it, from the beginning.

Thanks for living a life that taught me so much. Thanks for saving me, for giving me another chance.

I promise not to waste another day.



THE FERRY WOULD ARRIVE ON THE ISLAND AT 5:15. Cody had purposely taken Copyright 2016 - 2024