The Isle Of Sin And Shadows - Keri Lake Page 0,190

only. “I find myself torn. While I’m angry that he never suffered the consequences for Brie’s mother, I also can’t imagine my life without him. Such a weird dichotomy. He was like the embodiment of good and evil.”

“You were his redemption. And now you’re mine, moiselle.”

“Yours.” Bending forward, I kiss the scar on his arm. “And how do I know this scar isn’t some strange satanic wolf cult plotting my future sacrifice?”

“Because I’m too fucking selfish to give up what I love for anyone. God, or devil. Heaven, or hell.”

“Did you just … indirectly profess that you love me?”

“Stranger things have been known to happen.” He chuckles and runs his finger down my temple. “There is nothing that means more to me than you, chère. Nothing I’ve ever desired more.” Lips pressed to my forehead, he holds my face, as if I’m the most precious thing he’s ever touched.

Where I once stared into the ruthless eyes of a cold and detached wolf, I now see that obsessed devotion I predicted all those months ago. A man incapable of simply loving a woman, because such a thing would be too tame for him. His eyes now blaze with the single-minded passion that leaves me weak and breathless most nights.

“Je suis fou de toi.” I’m crazy about you. Tipping my chin up, he slants his lips over mine, eating the words that linger on my tongue with the kind of kiss that has my heart damn near clattering against my ribs. “Je t'aime, ma ‘tit moiselle.”

“I love you, too,” I say against his lips. It’s the first time I’ve said those words to any man who wasn’t a father to me, in some way.

They say you never get past, or over, your first love, and I believe that’s true. Thierry is forever stitched into a quiet little haven inside my heart, where the sunlight is more golden, the air is sweeter, and time doesn’t exist. A place of enchanting summer nights and fireflies in the sky. Of stolen kisses under the stars, and soft Valir whispered in my ear. For the first time, I feel home. Right here, in this man’s arms. “So, where to next, mon capitaine? How many names left on that list?”

“Three. One in Africa, Australia, and Russia. Which do you think we should hit next?”

“You decide. And wherever you go, I shall follow like a wayward lamb trailing the big bad wolf.”

“That sounds awfully dangerous for the lamb.”

“I don’t know.” Teeth running along the edge of his neck, I pause to nip the crook at his collarbone, and he shifts beneath me, giving a rough, masculine growl. “I think the wolf better watch his back. This lamb has sharp teeth, too.”

“I do love the vicious ones. But, lucky for you, I’ve got an envie for something sweeter tonight.” He rolls over top of me, and as he makes his way down my body, leaving a trail of kisses en route, I let out a quiet chuckle.

A flicker of something draws my attention toward the corner of the boat’s dark cabin, where the glow of a skull stares back at me. I wish I could say it was the first I’ve seen it in a while, but that’s not true. It’s happened a few times over the last couple months. Doesn’t matter where I go in the world, the nightmare of my past will always be there, watching me. For years, I’ve suffered its ominous presence, only to find the truth behind that mask was even more terrifying than I imagined.

I will not look away, though. Never again.

As hard of a pill as it was to swallow, the events of that night are a past that I cannot change, and the catalyst to a future I never anticipated. A life I intend to live one breath at a time and savor every moment fate has handed me.

Because ghost stories aren’t meant to have happy endings.

But mine did.

"Master of Salt & Bones was a chilling, passionate, and consuming dark romance that will leave you believing there's good in everyone, and even the darkest souls need love." -FMA Book Reviews


Other Books By Keri Lake
























It’s safe to say that 2020 was a difficult year for most. During the writing of this book, I nearly lost my mother to a massive heart attack. I mourned the loss of my uncle, my beloved grandmother, and my beautiful cousin who took her own life. I’ve become well acquainted with grief and pain, and have cried more times than I’ve laughed the past few months. It’s only through the support of friends and family that I was able to soldier on through this story, and I owe them a multitude of thanks.

My husband and children, who’ve been on this crazy journey with me, all the ups and downs, since the very first book. I love you.

To my family who supports me without judgement and always has my back.

My late grandmother, Jacie, a sweet and spunky woman who supported my love of writing, and even read a book or two of mine, in spite of the many F-bombs she wished I’d have excluded.

My long-time editor and friend, Julie Belfield, who really put her all into this one. As I said, 2020 brought a number of personal challenges for me, and my writing suffered a bit in its clarity and direction. When the first draft came back, it was a bloody mess of edits, but Julie helped me through them, and I am grateful for her commitment in polishing this story.

Massive thanks to my brilliant and uber-creative designer, Stefanie, who took a mess of ideas and created a cover that left me speechless.

To my brave and fearless betas, Diane, Lana, Terri and Kelly, thank you for diving head-first into these stories without a lick of hesitation. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your honest feedback that has helped polish this story.

Without Diane assisting behind the scenes, I probably would’ve lost my mind while writing this. I’ve appreciated her advice and guidance. She’s an amazing assistant and friend, and I’m so lucky to have her along for the ride.

Many many thanks to the lovely Layla F. for helping me with all the Cajun and Louisiana details. I’ve enjoyed our chats about Louisiana culture and hope to make a trip south for a Cajun crawfish boil someday!

My Vigilante Vixens, who make me smile and give me a safe haven on the internet where I can let go and be myself. Love and hugs to all of you!

To the bloggers who have taken a chance on my books and share the love with others, I see you and I thank you.

And finally, to my readers, without whom, none of this would be possible. As long as you keep reading, I’ll keep writing. Your support means everything to me.

About the Author

Keri Lake is a dark romance writer who specializes in demon wrangling, vengeance dealing and wicked twists. Her stories are gritty, with antiheroes that walk the line of good and bad, and feisty heroines who bring them to their knees. When not penning books, she enjoys spending time with her husband, daughters, and their rebellious Labrador (who doesn’t retrieve a damn thing). She runs on strong coffee and alternative music, loves a good red wine, and has a slight addiction to dark chocolate.

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