The Isle Of Sin And Shadows - Keri Lake Page 0,161

off. Seems she’s grossly overestimated my interest in accommodating her. “Get used to the idea that I’ll be doing none of that.” In the morning, I’ll be handing her off to Julio, as that’s when he’s expected to return from business in New York.

“You’re an awful man, Mr. Bergeron. I’ll be sure to let my father know we were attacked at the border.”

“Good. Be sure to tell him you dressed like a fucking golden globe statue, too, attracting every sicario within shooting distance.”

“Oh, but you’re the elusive Black Wolf I’ve heard so much about. Those other men didn’t stand a chance against the Matamoros’ best sicario.” The sarcasm in her voice grates on me. The rumors and reputation are bad enough, but to suggest that I would’ve taken out even a half-dozen cartel by myself for this woman is ridiculous.

The sooner I get her out of my car, the better. We were supposed to stay overnight in Houston, to allow me some time to rest before jumping back into the car for another five hours, but the moment she opened her mouth, I decided two days with this woman would be more exhausting than the drive. No wonder her father sent her off. Poor bastard probably suffered chronic headaches.

Besides that, I’ve been edgy the whole trip. As safe as I know Céleste is in Luc’s hands, I have no doubt Julio sent me on this errand for a reason.

She tips back the mini bottle of chardonnay, one of four she’s sipped her way through on the drive. While I’d otherwise be inclined to chide her for drinking and snorting whatever the hell the powder is, I’m hoping she’ll pass out from it all at some point and give me some peace and quiet on this last stretch.

“So, what is this festival of the dead? Some kind of cheap knockoff of Día de los Muertos?”

When I don’t answer, she tilts back her drink, polishing off the rest of it, and tosses the empty my way.

Missing her target, it lands on the console beside me.

“If you’re trying to piss me off, I’d advise against it.”

“Or what, Mr. Wolf? You’ll tie me up and eat me? Oh, what big teeth you have!” A burst of laughter sends her flying backward, sliding down the seat, where she lays across the leather. The drugs must be kicking in. Hopefully, it’s only a matter of time before she knocks herself out.

The urge to call Luc sends a thrum of urgency through me. Knowing my cousin, he’s probably kept Céleste out on the boat all day long, regaling her with all his fishing stories, but a niggling bullet of unrest pulses through me. The preoccupation I feared, as it relates to my feisty little firefly, has firmly hooked itself into me.

All I’ve done this whole ride is think about Céleste, which doesn’t bode well for her once she’s back in my possession. I suspect it’ll be an exhausting night for both of us.

Assuming the chatty migraine in the backseat hasn’t drained me entirely by night’s end.

Seems I’ll have to ask my cousin for another babysitting favor. Not that I want to throw this walking dumpster fire into his lap, but Julio’s flight comes in late tomorrow morning, and there’s no way in a cold and frigid hell that I can deal with Verónica for another hour, much less a whole night.

“Speeding is a brilliant idea. I’m sure the cops will love my collection of alcohol back here,” she says, and hiccups.

A truck up ahead catches my attention, and I lay off the gas, slowing the car as I approach where it’s parked in front of a tobacco shop, about a block from Main Street.

Luc’s truck.

The urge to ponder why he’d be in public with Céleste is quickly smothered by the frustration of not giving a shit why. There is no reason good enough to settle me right now.

Arms come from behind, wrapping around the front of me at the same time Verónica’s lips press into my neck. On instinct, I slam my palm into her throat and throw her off, perhaps a little too hard. She falls backward, gasping for breath, her hands at her neck. Attention divided between making sure I haven’t inadvertently killed a cartel princess, and not passing the parking lot, I mutter a curse.

Her laughter allows me to relent my focus of her. “I did it! I kissed the big bad wolf!”


A quick glance in the mirror shows bright red lipstick smudged across Copyright 2016 - 2024