The Isle Of Sin And Shadows - Keri Lake Page 0,153

‘im. Not you. I’ll do it. Yep. Bye.”

When he clicks out of the call, he groans, lifting the cooler again.

“Everything okay? You sound very unhappy-go-Luc-y right now.” I can’t help snorting at the stupid play on words.

“Some couillon broke into da store last night an’ stole a bunch of boudin. Camera caught da whole thing. Not da smartest tool in da shed, him.”

“You know him?”

“Yeah. Grew up wit’ him. Known his family for years.”

“So, why not call the police?”

“We don’ tend to get da sheriff involved unless we have to, ‘round here. I’ll go talk to ‘im. Most folks don’ steal unless they need it. All he had to do was aks me.”

“There goes that kind nature of yours again, Luc. So’ I’m staying here’ I take it?”

“Well, I can’t take you wit’ me. Could get a little hostile, at first.”

“I thought you were about keeping the peace.”

“Well, he needs an ass beatin’ first. Teach ‘im a lesson.”

“Okay, I’ll just stay here, then. Until you get back. An ass beating doesn’t take long, does it?”

Frown crossing his face, he rubs his jaw. “Thierry woundn’ like dat much, either. You know anyone else you could stay wit’ for a couple hours?”

“Um. I don’t know if staying somewhere else is a good idea for me right now.”

“I promised Thierry I wouldn’ leave you alone. S’pose I could take you to my boy Jordan’s house. He’d keep an eye on you.”

Hell, no. Nothing against his friend, but I’m surely not staying with someone I’ve only just met. “What about … Brie Dejarae. You know her?”

“Aww, yeah. Brie’s a good girl, her. Cute, too.”

“Maybe I could call her on your phone? See if she’s around?” She didn’t answer when I called from Thierry’s phone, and my hopes aren’t real high that she’ll answer now. Which will leave me practically begging Luc to let me stay here myself.

“Yeah, sure.” He hands his phone off to me, and I cross the room to my backpack, where I stuffed Brie’s phone number. “You get her address, an’ I’ll drive you dere. If she ain’ around, though, I guess you’ll be sittin’ in da truck, while I take care of business with my boudin.”

“That sounds weird. The way you said it …”

“Yeah. Guess it did.”

Nodding, I dial the number. The phone rings three times, and she answers. “Hello?”

“Brie?” For a moment, I’m awestruck that she picked up. “Hey, it’s Céleste. Are you up at the club right now?”

“No, I’m home with Justin. Where the hell you been? You know I stopped by that house nearly a dozen times in the last week lookin’ for you! Thought you up and left town.”

“I’ve, um … sort of been staying with someone.”


I scratch the back of my neck and swallow past the sudden dryness. “Thierry.”

“Thierry!” Her voice echoes through the phone. “You’re staying with Bergeron? Have you lost your mind? He put a spell on you, or somethin’?”

With a sheepish grin, I glance up at Luc, who can undoubtedly hear her through the phone. “He’s … actually not that bad of a guy. I mean, he’s bad. But not bad, bad.”

“I know what he is and isn’t. He definitely ain’t good.”

“Maybe not, but he’s been a gracious host.”

“If you needed a place to stay, girl. All you had to do is ask.”

“It was sort of a rushed deal. Anyway, all that aside, I’m with his cousin Luc right now--”

“You got wit’ Thierry and his cousin Luc?”

Rubbing a hand down my face, I shake my head. “Not like that. Luc is sort of baby--it’s a long story. Look, I just need a place to hang out for a couple of hours.”

“Well, me and Justin will be here all night, so you’re welcome to come over.”

“Marcelle isn’t around?”

“I ain’t seen my sister in over a week. I’m startin’ to worry, Cely. She’s been on benders before, but she always comes back for her baby. Almost two weeks away from Justin now. And I can’t get ahold of her.”

“You tried her cellphone?”

“Only about a million times. Can’t get a single call to go through. I tried to locate it on GPS. Won’t pick up a signal.”

Damn. She must be worried sick right now. “You sure you don’t mind me being there? I can figure something else out, if you’d rather—”

“No. I could really use some company right now. Please.”

“Okay, cool.” I jot down the address she rattles off over the phone, and Luc lifts it up, examining it with a nod.

“I know dis neighborhood,” Copyright 2016 - 2024