Irresistible (Neighbor from Hell #11) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,65

“I really don’t want to talk about it.”

“That goes against the rules,” Aidan pointed out as he placed his hands on her belly so that their son could say push against his hands.

“I’m not talking.”

“Then I’m afraid that I’m going to have to punish you,” Aidan said as he pressed a kiss against her neck.

“Do what you must,” Melanie said with a sniffle that had his lips twitching.

“Fine. Then no more pie,” he said, loving her little gasp of outrage.

“He freaks me out!” Melanie blurted out not even a second later.

“Is that it?”

“Isn’t that enough?” she countered.

“I suppose,” Aidan murmured, sounding thoughtful as he glanced around them, taking in all the strollers and wondered how they were supposed to figure out which one they needed when the epitome of evil joined them.

“You,” was all Rebecca said when she spotted them.

“Is everything okay at the Fire & Brimstone?” Melanie asked as Aidan locked eyes with the woman that was in over her head as he pressed one last kiss against Melanie’s neck.

“It’s fine,” Rebecca said as a smile that could only be described as evil graced her adorable face before she glanced over her shoulder, drawing Aidan’s attention to his brother, who looked really fucking pissed for some reason.

“You locked my wife in a closet in the fucking basement?” Lucifer demanded, getting in his face.

“Oh, my god, you locked her in a closet?” Melanie asked, sounding shocked for some reason as she stepped out of his arms.

“Yes!” Rebecca hissed as Aidan stood there, shaking his head sadly.

“I didn’t have a choice. Not after I found out that she planned on having a beige color scheme for the baby,” Aidan said with a helpless shrug and a sigh, pleased when Melanie was forced to turn her head when a noise that sounded suspiciously like a snort of laughter escaped her.

“What?” Lucifer demanded, immediately forgetting about him to focus on his wife. “You were going to subject my godson to beige?”

“No, wait, I-” Rebecca began, but sadly, she was in way over her head on this one.

“And she said that we should just pick out the cheapest crap for the baby since he would just outgrow it anyway,” Aidan added, mostly to ensure that his brother took over for them since it would just make this easier.

With a glare aimed at his wife, Lucifer reached over and snatched the scanner out of Aidan’s hand. “We are going to have a very long talk, woman,” Lucifer bit out, narrowing his eyes on his wife before his attention shifted to the scanner in his hands and-

“This just isn’t going to work for me,” his brother said, sighing heavily at their selections before clearing everything, grabbing the carriage, and heading down the aisle as he carefully considered the stroller options.

“You’re going to pay for that,” the epitome of evil said, drawing his attention back to find Rebecca standing in front of him, glaring up at him.

“Am I though?” Aidan asked, reaching over to pat her on the head, mostly to piss her off.

She slapped his hand away as she nodded, “Yes, you will. I held back last time, but now,” she said, slowly shaking her head, “you’ve asked for it.”

“Interesting,” Aidan murmured, nodding thoughtfully before asking, “Have you ever wondered why my brother was never able to fire you?”

“Oh, he tried, but he couldn’t do it,” Rebecca said with a smug little smile that was too fucking adorable for words.

Chuckling, Aidan leaned down and whispered in her ear. “He held back because he wanted you. You have no idea what Bradfords are really capable of because everyone has held back, but I’m not going to. God, you and I are going to have so much fun together,” he whispered, before straightening up and sending her a wink that had her starting to look over her shoulder only to rethink it.

Wise decision, Aidan thought as he decided to do the one thing that would ensure that his brother kept the little pain in his ass out of his way for the rest of the day.

Chapter 33

“That was the meanest thing that I’ve ever seen,” Melanie said sometime later, nodding solemnly even as she had to admit that she was impressed, a little terrified, and definitely turned on.

“What was?” the man that had effectively ensured that Lucifer wouldn’t let Rebecca out of his sight for the rest of the night, absently asked as he parked the car.

“Umm, nothing?” she said, deciding that it was probably in her best Copyright 2016 - 2024