Iron Crowned Page 0,97

We should be discussing abortions. Why did I care about gender? I didn't want a baby. I wasn't ready for a baby. Certainly not one who'd fulfill a world-conquering prophecy.

"In this case," said Dr. Moore. "Your mental health is especially concerning. Which is what this is for." She handed me the other piece of paper. It was a referral for a psychologist.

"I don't need - "

"Eugenie, shock over an unplanned pregnancy is normal. Expected. But it's clear ... you have some very serious issues around this."

She had no idea.

"Have my nurse call for the test. Then schedule yourself a therapist appointment and a follow-up with me."

There was no way I could tell her I had no intention of going to therapy. I wasn't even sure about the follow-up. But I'd gotten away with something, and I knew it. I nodded meekly. "Thank you." I left before she could change her mind.

Jasmine's face was filled with irritation and impatience when I finally returned. "That took forever," she said, tossing a magazine aside. "How deep were those stitches?"

"Not that deep," I murmured. I walked toward my car on autopilot, still stunned. "She was worried about how tired I was, that's all."

"Well, you can fix that when we go back to the Otherworld."

I started the car, staring off into space for a few ponderous moments as numbers floated around in my head. Nine weeks, seven weeks. Two days. That was how long until my test. Two days.

I refocused on my surroundings so I wouldn't get us into an accident. "We aren't going to the Otherworld anytime soon," I replied.

Jasmine shot me a look that clearly expressed her feelings on that, but there must have been something in my own face that answered back because she didn't fight the issue anymore.

When we returned to my house, I put my purse and paperwork in my bedroom before sitting with Jasmine in her usual spot on the couch. Mindless TV suddenly seemed like a good idea ... except, well, it didn't do a very good job of taking my mind off of my problems.

Pregnant. Conqueror of worlds. Storm King's heir.

Me. It was all on me: what had happened and what was to come.

We hadn't been home long when Kiyo showed up. He gave me a cheerful grin and wore his white coat from work, meaning he must not have been cozying up with Maiwenn. Small blessing. His smile was enough to make Jasmine smile in return, but I couldn't muster one. There was nothing to smile about right now. Nothing good in this world. Nothing good in either world. He joined us on the couch, sandwiching me in between him and Jasmine, and caught hold of my hand.

"Hey, how are you?" he asked. He peered at my face, even though I was pointedly not looking at him. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," I lied. "Tired."

Storm King's first grandson will conquer the human world.

"She's been like that all day," said Jasmine. "She needs to go back to the Otherworld but won't."

"Is that true?" he asked.

"I didn't think you'd have a problem with that," I said. "You've always wanted me to stay away."

"Yeah, but not if it's affecting you like this. You really look sick, Eug."

"She also got beat up by a ghost," Jasmine added helpfully.

"Hey!" I glared. "I did not!"

Kiyo chuckled and pulled me closer. "Stop playing tough. Go to the Otherworld tomorrow. I'll come with you, so it won't be as bad." He relaxed, and there was a finality in his voice that I didn't like. I didn't like his presumption. I also wasn't entirely sure I should be going to the Otherworld, in light of recent developments.

Flowers. Flowers everywhere, everywhere I step. I'm the land, and the land is me. Where I bring life, the land does too....

Or death. I could bring death as well. It was my choice.

Over and over. The words in my head were all I heard. I didn't hear the TV, or Kiyo and Jasmine's occasional comments. I didn't really hear when Kiyo said he'd make dinner and went to drop off his overnight bag in my bedroom. But I did hear him when he came raging back to the living room, waving my CVS referral form in the air.

"Eugenie!" His voice was a roar, one that made Jasmine cringe and widen her eyes. "What the hell is this?"

I stared up at him levelly, surprised I could be so calm in the face of that outrage, especially after the emotional upheaval I'd been Copyright 2016 - 2024