Iron Crowned Page 0,71

started to believe he wouldn't turn up anything at all as evidence of either a suicide or a murder. I gripped the phone tightly.

"What? That someone killed her?"

"Yeah ... I found a couple things. Did you know her husband has a girlfriend?"

"Deanna told me. She seemed okay with his moving on." It had been a few months since her death, too soon to start dating in my book, but still a semi-respectable time frame. According to Deanna, he'd begun seeing someone a few weeks ago.

"Yeah, well, he moved on before she was dead. The girlfriend? His alibi."

I frowned. "Seriously?" Deanna's husband had been removed from suspicion because he'd had a solid witness to his whereabouts when she'd been killed. He'd been at a real estate agent's office; the agent was helping him with a vacation home for their family. "Maybe their relationship started after Deanna died ..."

"Not if a witness I found is reliable. I also might have a lead that proves Deanna wasn't the one who bought the gun."

"If that's true ..." I couldn't finish right away. Deanna acquiring the gun that had killed her had been one of the most damning pieces of evidence for suicide. "If you can prove that, then it could reopen everything."

"Yes," said Enrique matter-of-factly. "Yes, it could. I'll be in touch."

We disconnected, and I suddenly wished he hadn't been quite so good at his job. If he was right about all this and turned up the evidence he needed ... well, someone was going to have to break the news to Deanna that her husband had murdered her. And that someone would be me. She currently believed some crazed killer had done it, one that was after her family now. The thought of it all sickened me.

As I sat there in my room, an Otherworldly presence made my skin tingle. For half a second, I thought Deanna was appearing unsummoned - something I wasn't ready to deal with. I'd essentially given her a "don't call me, I'll call you" directive. But, no. It wasn't her. It was Volusian, his red eyes as malevolent as always. Lately, his appearance meant news from the Otherworld. I hoped it would be good.

"What's up?" I demanded.

"Shaya requests your presence immediately."

Something good at last. "The peace talks?"

"No. She needs you because the Oak King is at your castle, demanding to see you."

Chapter 15

I had two immediate reactions to this. One was that Dorian could wait around forever; he had no right to demand anything of me. My other reaction was outrage that he could come traipsing into my home when I was banned from his. Admittedly, that was my own fault. I hadn't put down any hospitality rules to keep him out. As such, he'd be welcomed like any other non-enemy monarch - particularly by my people. I considered simply sending Volusian to revoke hospitality but then tossed that idea aside. I'd take care of this myself.

I drove out to the gateway by my home as fast as I could without getting a ticket and then crossed over to the anchor inside my castle. Once there, I hurried through the halls, oblivious to servants' startled stares. I knew where Dorian would be. My people would have received him in the nicest chamber, the one befitting any visiting monarch.

Sure enough. Dorian sat inside the parlor, lounging in a central chair with Shaya, Rurik, and others sitting around him. He looked like he was holding court in his own castle. My anger doubled. Everyone except him jumped up at my sudden approach, giving hasty bows.

"Out," I snapped. "All of you. And shut the door."

My words left no question about who exactly I wanted out. Dorian didn't move, but the rest scurried to obey my orders. I saw Shaya and Rurik exchange looks with each other, no doubt worried what was going to happen with the two monarchs they loved.

Once we were alone, I turned on Dorian. "What the hell are you doing here?"

He regarded me coolly, face perfectly at ease. "Visiting, as is my right. There's nothing that says I can't. Unless you're revoking my hospitality?"

"I should," I said, stepping forward with fists clenched. "I should have my guards throw you out on your ass."

He snorted and absentmindedly smoothed a piece of his long hair. "Good luck with that. They'd throw you out first, if I gave the order."

"So that's why you're here? To start a rebellion in my own kingdom?"

"No. I'm here to remind you of your responsibilities Copyright 2016 - 2024