Iron Crowned Page 0,5

ostensibly let go of that dream for my sake, but there were days I suspected he wouldn't mind fathering such a conqueror. As it was, our alliance already made us dangerous. He loved me, I was certain, but he also craved power. Our united kingdoms put us in a good position to conquer others, if we chose.

It was difficult leaving him, but there was too much to be done. I retreated to the bath, washing both sex and battle off of me. Life and death. The tub was only big enough for one, but Dorian seemed perfectly happy watching me and lounging in the afterglow. He was less excited about my wardrobe choice. As queen, I had a closet filled with elaborate dresses, dresses he loved seeing me in. As a human shaman, I'd also made sure it was stocked with human clothes. He looked at my jeans and tank top with dismay.

"Ranelle would be more impressed with a dress," he said. "Especially one that showed your lovely cleavage."

I rolled my eyes. We were back in my bedroom, and I was loading myself up with weapons: charmed jewelry and an iron athame, along with a satchel containing a gun, a wand, and a silver athame. "You'd be more impressed with that. And anyway, it'd be a waste now."

"Not true." He got up from the bed, still naked, and gently pushed me against the wall, cautious of the athame's sharp blade. "I'm ready again."

I could see that he was, and honestly, I probably could have gone back to bed too. Whether that was from lust or a reluctance to fulfill my impending tasks, it was hard to say.

"Later," I told him, brushing a kiss against his lips.

He regarded me suspiciously. "Later means a lot of things with you. An hour. A day."

I smiled and kissed him again. "Not more than a day." I reconsidered. "Maybe two." I laughed at the face this earned me. "I'll see what I can do. Now get some clothes on before the women around here are driven into a frenzy."

He gave me a mournful look. "I'm afraid that'll happen with or without clothes, my dear."

When we finally managed to part, I headed off toward Ranelle's room, my post-sex good humor fading. A little air magic left me with only semi-wet hair by the time I reached her. Once admitted, I found her writing a letter at her room's desk. Seeing me, she leapt up and curtsied.

"Your Majesty."

I motioned her down and took a nearby chair. "No need. I just wanted to have a quick chat before I returned to the human world." Her face twitched a little at this, but ambassador training quickly moved her past how strange she probably found that. The ease with which I jumped worlds wasn't normal for gentry. "I'm sorry for the grisly display this morning. And that I haven't been around much during your visit."

"You're at war, Your Majesty. These things happen. Besides, King Dorian has been quite hospitable in your absence."

I hid a smile. Ranelle was hardly in a frenzy, but it was clear Dorian had charmed her, as he did so many women. "I'm glad. Were you writing your king?"

She nodded. "I wanted to send him my report right away, although I'll be leaving later today."

Magic filled the Otherworld and the gentry, and there were those among them with the power to expedite messages. A magical e-mail, of sorts. It allowed gossip to spread fast and meant her letter would get back to her homeland before she did. I eyed it on the desk.

"What will you tell him?"

She hesitated. "May I be blunt, Your Majesty?"

"Of course," I said, smiling. "I'm human. Er, half human."

"I empathize with you. I understand your grievance and know King Damos will too." She was carefully skirting the explicit details of Leith raping me. "But tragic as your situation is ... well, it is your situation. I don't believe it's one we should risk the lives of our people for - begging your pardon, Your Majesty." Delivering bad news obviously made her uneasy. My father, honorifically referred to as Storm King, had been known for his power and cruelty. I wasn't as ruthless, but I'd had my share of frightening shows of power as well.

"No offense taken," I assured her. "But ... if I may also be blunt, your king is in a precarious situation. He's growing old. His power will eventually fade. Your kingdom will be open for others to move in on."

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