Iron Crowned Page 0,46

to have gentry power either."

"Yeah, but he'd put that aside if he knew you were walking into - "

"He doesn't know anything," I said bluntly. My voice then grew soft. "We aren't speaking anymore."

"How ..." Kiyo paused, no doubt trying to wrap his mind around this. "How is this possible?"

I shrugged. "He cut me off. When he found out I'd been keeping the truth from him, about the Thorn Land and everything else ... Well, ever since what happened with Leith, he's refused to speak to or acknowledge me."

"But your mom ..."

"Talks to me occasionally. She's caught in the middle, and I don't want to make it harder on her than it already is. She shouldn't have to go against her husband."

Kiyo's confusion was becoming anger. "Yeah, but you're her daughter! She should be able to - "

"Just forget it, okay?" I drew my knees up to me and wrapped my arms around them to draw in more warmth. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Eug, I'm sorry."

I kept quiet. There was nothing to say.

He cleared his throat. "I don't suppose you brought anything else to keep you warm? Blankets? Camping supplies?"

"I didn't think about the possible overnight part," I said, grateful for the subject shift. "I've got a change of clothes like these, food, weapons, and first aid supplies."

"You brought first aid stuff?" He sounded impressed. "It's not like you to think ahead. Er, I mean, you don't usually worry about - "

"I know what you mean," I said with a weary smile. "And don't worry, the universe is the same. I didn't plan ahead. It's for current injuries."


"I got hit by a table."

There might be a million reasons that Kiyo and I were wrong for each other, but one nice thing was that when I made a statement like that, he just didn't question it.

I was still freezing when it came time to sleep, forcing Kiyo into a bold suggestion. "Come sleep over here, between me and the fire. The cold doesn't bug me as much, and I can block the wind."

"Kiyo - "

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Dorian. But if he wanted me here to protect you, then here's the perfect chance. Besides, we all know you can kick my ass if I try anything."

I said and did nothing. When this continued for about a minute, he sighed and lay down on his side, back to the wind. I attempted the same, after ordering Volusian to stay on watch, but even with the fire's warmth, I was still cold. I'm tough, I'm tough. I played those words over and over through my head, not wanting to admit weakness. After about fifteen minutes, I gave in and crawled over to Kiyo's side of the fire.

There was no "I told you so." He simply made room but was surprised when I positioned myself to face him.

"I thought you'd want your back to me."

"Can't," I said. "That's where the injuries are."

"From the table."


He could have attempted propriety by turning over so his back faced me, but that would have put his face to the wind. He didn't deserve that. I wiggled myself closer, curling myself against his body, and resting my head against his chest. He was big enough that he did almost completely shield me. His whole body stood still as I made myself comfortable, either from his astonishment or for my ease. Once I was settled, he relaxed slightly and tried to put his arms around me. He suddenly fumbled and pulled them away, grazing my breast as he did. I don't know if he noticed. I certainly did.

"Wait. Where are you hurt?"

"Back. Left shoulder."

Tentatively, he reached out again and wrapped his arms around my waist. "This okay?"


Holding me, he shifted closer so that our bodies pressed together, holding in the warmth. "This?"


He relaxed again and exhaled. Tucked against him, I couldn't see his face but had the sneaking suspicion that I wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight. Survival-wise, this plan was sound. I was warm(ish) now, protected and heated by him. But I was also pressed up against a body that I knew intimately, one that used to move in mine with a possessive fierceness. Dorian claimed me with mind games and exquisite acts of dominance. Kiyo had always done it through strength and ferocity, an animal taking his mate.

I bit my lip and closed my eyes, hoping I'd fall asleep if I mentally enumerated the reasons we'd broken up. But mostly, I kept remembering how his hand Copyright 2016 - 2024