Iron Crowned Page 0,43

there. He wanted the war over. He wanted me out of it. "But why ask me? Why not Dorian?"

"Because he couldn't survive the quest. The way's lined with iron. It would take an insanely strong gentry - or people with human blood, like you and me. Plus, I trust you."

I didn't know if the human solidarity had gotten me anywhere, but he was definitely considering this more and more. I also wondered if admitting trust in him did anything. Part of what had driven us apart was my accusation that he didn't care enough about me to punish Leith.

"I'd like to help you," Kiyo said finally. "It's crazy - but no crazier than half the stuff around here. I should talk to Maiwenn first, though."

You must not - under any circumstances - allow him to go back to Maiwenn and consult her on this.

"There's no time," I said, hastily running through Dorian's laundry list of excuses. "We have to go now. The ghost who's going to help me threatened to back out if I didn't act soon. And we're currently on hold with Katrice. If I could return with the crown before the next battle, it would be ... well, it'd be amazing. No more bloodshed."

I could see him wavering, but he wasn't quite convinced. Really, I didn't blame him. If I had an ally who could advise me on some bizarre quest, I'd want to talk to her too before jumping in.

"You can talk to her if you want," I said. "But I've got to leave now. I can't stand waiting. I'll just go by myself."

That drove the dagger in. No matter how sketchy the logic, no matter how smart it would be to get Maiwenn's advice ... the fear of my running off into unknown dangers was too great. He stared at me for several heavy moments, his expression unreadable. Finally, he sighed.

"Right now?" he asked.

"Right now," I said.

"Then let's go."

Chapter 10

Deanna came easily when I summoned her, making me wonder if she'd been hanging around invisibly since our last chat. Regardless, she didn't mention the fake ultimatum, thus letting Kiyo continue to believe we were in a time crunch. I called Volusian as well, figuring it couldn't hurt to have his protection while traveling to the ghost cutoff point. The two spirits didn't interact as we traveled, no surprise seeing as they had little in common. Deanna was tied to the living because of unfinished business and love for others. Volusian's soul was damned for eternity, forced to wander for his crimes - unless I ever sent him to the Underworld.

Deanna hadn't been able to give us a time estimate on how long it would take to reach the crown's lair (as I was beginning to refer to it). The Otherworld's twisted terrain always made travel hard to gauge, plus spirits could move faster than we could. I wouldn't have minded walking, but the unknown variables made me ride horseback. Kiyo did the same out of courtesy for me, though he could have tirelessly covered miles and miles in fox form. The only thing I really knew for sure was that this wouldn't be a day trip.

Kiyo and I were as silent as the ghosts, though once we crossed out of the lands adjacent to mine, he would occasionally tell me where we were. I'd never ventured this far into the Otherworld, and it made me uneasy, though knowing we were clear of the Rowan Land was a relief. Even Kiyo, neutral as he claimed, had tensed in Katrice's territory.

"This is the Honeysuckle Land," he said, when the road led us to a hot, riotously colored landscape. Flowers grew everywhere, and even the trees were covered in blossoms. Arizona was notorious for all its hummingbirds, but here, they swarmed like flies.

"Dorian was right," I mused. "It is beautiful." It was hard to imagine this place mustering up a military. This seemed more like a world where people frolicked in scanty clothing, beating drums and engaging in free love. Well, since they were gentry, free love would have been a given.

"Dorian would know," said Kiyo stiffly, eyes focused straight ahead. "I'm surprised he let you come with me."

"Dorian doesn't say what I can or can't do," I snapped. "If you're going to just keep doing this the whole time, I'll - "

"You'll what?" asked Kiyo with amusement, when I didn't continue. "Send me back? Face death-threatening situations alone?"

"I would gladly escort you back, if that is what Copyright 2016 - 2024