Iron Crowned Page 0,34

so, so glad to see him alive and well. Despite Volusian's report, I'd needed to see Dorian alive for myself. My heart swelled, and I let go of my aversion to gentry customs. I dropped the bag and wrapped my arms around his neck, seeking his lips before he could hardly even get his hands on me. He gripped my hips as we kissed, the power of that kiss sweeping my body and filling it with heat as I pressed against him. It was suddenly easy to understand why gentry sometimes felt the need to have sex in public.

No such option was given to me because Dorian's hands slid up my waist, freezing when he touched the bandages. He pulled away abruptly, studying me with astonishment. I still wore my tank top, giving a full view of the hospital's handiwork.

"Good grief, woman," he exclaimed. "What happened?"

I gave as unconcerned a shrug as he might. "I got in a fight. With a fetch."

He stared.

"She threw a table at me."

Dorian peered beyond me, over at the servant who'd escorted me to the room. "Get a healer."

"No, don't," I said. The guy hesitated, glancing between us, torn between two commands. "You need your healers for the armies. This looks worse than it is." That wasn't entirely true. The painkillers I'd been given were wearing off, making the scratches itchy and sore. Yet, I couldn't shake Volusian's words about death and injury. I wouldn't take any healers away from the armies. I gave Dorian a warning look. "It's fine."

He returned my look, locking us in a brief battle of wills. "Fine," he repeated. He glanced over at the servant. "She says it's fine. Far be it from me to question my lady. Come join us, dear. I assume your despicable little pet gave you the essentials?"

A chair was quickly brought over to me, and I joined the meeting. The details of it were a blur. I was no strategist, not for this kind of war. One-on-one fights were my thing. Mostly I listened to the group, not always understanding, as they studied maps and discussed army movement and strategic targets. Borders and areas with resources - like my copper mines - seemed to be a protective priority, which was about the only part I truly understood.

The part that really stuck with me was the recap of this battle. It had been long, even though our superior numbers had ensured victory almost from the beginning. The towns and our food were safe. The number of casualties were recounted briefly. Dorian and his advisors seemed pleased by them, considering them low. I supposed, as far as percentages went in the army, they were. Still ... people had died. Gentry or not, it didn't matter. They had families, people who loved them. People who would mourn. I felt sick to my stomach.

The meeting closed with plans for our next move, plans I agreed to automatically when consulted. Everyone left, off for bed, except me, Dorian, and Masthera. The pleased, laconic look Dorian had worn for his team vanished once the last person was out of our sight. He turned on me, outrage in those beautiful eyes.

"What were you thinking? I was the one who was supposed to be facing an army today. Not you."

"I didn't," I countered. "It was just a fetch. Did I mention the table?"

"You're making a joke out of this."

"No more than what you usually do." I frowned. "And this is nothing ... nothing compared to what you and the others faced."

His blase expression returned. "We had a great victory."

"We have different ideas of victory," I said sadly. My eyes landed on Masthera, who watched us intently. "What are you doing here?"

She seemed to read my question as an invitation and moved to a nearer chair. "Waiting for you, Your Majesty. I sensed that you would come."

I scoffed. "Volusian came and said I was coming."

The comment didn't bother her. "You've come to discuss the Iron Crown."

"Hardly." Yet, I found myself frowning as crazy thoughts swirled in my head. Dorian arched an eyebrow of surprise.

"Is that true? You made your feelings clear on that last time."

"They haven't really changed," I admitted. "I still don't see it as a convenient end to all of this. Except ... well, a ghost came to me today."

"Ghosts are always coming to you."

"Yeah, yeah. But this one claimed she could lead me to the crown. Or rather, the place surrounding it. She needs a favor and offered this in return."

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