Iron Crowned Page 0,25


After that, it was time for another Tucson jump. I first summoned Volusian and sent him to Dorian's side, both for backup and later reports. I knew Dorian wouldn't welcome my minion, but his having a fighter that couldn't be killed would certainly make me feel better. Once that and other household affairs were settled, I went back to join humanity.

The scene at my house was nearly the same as yesterday. A quiet morning, with Tim cooking in the kitchen. Only, today he was dolled up in full costume.

"You're Lakota," I said, once he'd recovered from the shock of my abrupt arrival. "What happened to Tlingit?"

He shrugged. "The Tlingit are cool, but your average stereotype-loving tourist expects this." He wore tassled buckskin pants and a long feathered headdress. His bare tanned chest looked like it had been oiled, and it had beaded necklaces hanging on it. Studying him, I reconsidered. He wasn't true Lakota either. Just some amalgamation of stereotypes, like he'd said.

"Why are you dressed up so early? Morning commuters aren't going to stop for poetry slams."

"It's Saturday, Eug."

"Is it?" I asked, startled. My timing was all awry with my double life.

"There's a cultural fest out by the university, just begging to hear my beautiful insights on nature." He flipped some sunny-side up eggs onto a plate with a flourish.

"A cultural - ?" I groaned. "Tim, the local tribes will be there. You know they'll try to beat you up again."

He flashed me a grin. "Be a pal. Come protect me."

"Can't. Too much stuff to do."

A knock at the back door astonished us both. We didn't get a lot of visitors. Hoping it wasn't a missionary, I opened the door and gaped at what I found. I couldn't have been more surprised if Katrice had come calling. It was Lara. She smiled at my shock. I almost never saw her in the flesh. She worked out of a home office, most of our correspondence being handled by phone and e-mail.

"Come in," I said, still amazed. She stepped into the kitchen, just as tiny, blond, and cute as I remembered. A big stack of papers was in her arms. "I don't like the looks of that."

"It's your - "

Lara came to a halt when she saw Tim. Her eyes widened. He flipped his last egg onto a plate and glanced up at her. His eyes registered equal amazement. And in that charming, con-artist way of his, he instantly slipped into character.

"A beautiful blossom has joined us, her petals brilliant and unfurled in the morning sun." He was using his awful 'How, white man' voice. Hastily, he pulled out a chair at the kitchen table. "Join us. We'll feast and enjoy Mother Earth's bounty together."

Dazed, Lara walked over to the table and sat down, unable to take her eyes off of him - his chest in particular. "Thank you."

"It is my honor to - shit! The cinnamon rolls!"

Tim dove backward, grabbing a mitt and opening the oven, from which smoke was pouring out. Lara turned to me conspiratorially as he groaned about the state of his baked goods.

"Eugenie, why is there a hot Native American chief cooking in your kitchen?" she whispered.

"Well," I said, suddenly realizing the two had never actually met. "He's neither a chief nor Native American. That's Tim."

"That's what - ?" Her baby blue eyes opened even wider. "Are you sure?"


Tim meanwhile was scraping blackened bottoms off of his cinnamon rolls. He held one up for my inspection.

"It's fine," I said.

He turned to Lara, putting his smile back on. "I beg your pardon a thousand times for this unworthy feast I must set before you. Such a delicate, beautiful creature like you deserves - "

"Oh for God's sake," I exclaimed. "Will you cut the bullshit, Tim? This is Lara."

"This is ..." The cinnamon roll dropped off his spatula, back onto the pan. "Are you sure?"

I sighed.

Both seemed at a loss for what to say. Lara's mouth moved, no words coming out for several moments. Finally, she blurted out, "I brought tax paperwork."

Tim swallowed. "I ... That's pretty cool."

I moved past sighing or groaning. Now, I was fighting hitting my head against the table. "No, it's not. Can we get on with breakfast?"

"I ..." Tim finally recovered himself. "Sure. Of course." He looked at Lara. "Do you like eggs and cinnamon rolls?"

"I love eggs and cinnamon rolls."

He promptly built her a plate and handed it over.

"Hey!" I said.

He shot me a glare. "Be patient a sec. We have a Copyright 2016 - 2024