Iron Crowned Page 0,23

have chosen to bestow on any of the shining ones. Even they know the limits of mortals."

I pulled the robe more tightly around me. Seeing as I couldn't sleep, I might as well humor her. "Then what's your plan?"

"You need to find the Iron Crown."

"The what?"

"The Iron Crown."

She said it in a grand, ominous way ... one that really deserved an echo chamber to give it its full effect.

"Okay," I said. "I'll bite. What's the Iron Crown?"

"An ancient artifact. One worn by the greatest, most powerful leaders in the shining ones' history. Leaders feared by all, who ruled many kingdoms."

"I have a crown. A few of them." Only one was my official "crown of state," but designers had crafted me others to coordinate with my outfits.

"Not like this one," she said.

"Let me guess. It's made of iron."

She nodded and looked like she was waiting for me to be impressed.

"Sorry. Like I said, short of mind control power, I'm not going on some magic object quest. My life is already like a Dungeons and Dragons campaign."

Masthera frowned. "Dragons haven't lived in the Otherworld in centuries."

"Forget it. Thanks for the, er, advice, but I'm not interested." I shifted uncomfortably. "I should really get to bed."

Masthera leaned forward, undaunted. "You don't understand, Thorn Queen," she hissed. "Only a few are capable of completing the tasks required to gain the crown. Most would not even be able to wear it."

That was easy to figure out. "Right. Because it's made of iron. I don't think an ability everyone already knows I have from being human would be that impressive."

"Queen Katrice would think so. Many of her people would too. Her armies might revolt. She herself would be afraid and back off."

"All because of the reputation of a crown that doesn't have any power?" I asked skeptically. "Where is it?"

"Far away, in a place unknown."

"Oh good grief. If no one knows where it is, then how am I supposed to get it?"

"That's part of the challenge. Find it, and you end the war."

I eyed her carefully. "If this is such a great idea, why not bring it to Dorian? Your king?"

"He knows of it," she agreed. "He's old enough to remember the legends. But he couldn't wear it. Only you." Now she eyed me carefully. "Your father sought it - and failed."

I stiffened, my voice turning to ice. "Is this part of the prophecy? Some way of marking me as the conqueror's mother? Is it something I'm supposed to give to my hypothetical son?"

"No," she said. Her demeanor turned humble, but those eyes still looked shrewd. "It is merely a means to help you end your war."

"I've heard enough of this ridiculousness." I stood up. "I'm going to bed."

Masthera started to call after me as I strode away but then bit off her words. I wondered if she had accepted my refusal or simply feared the guards' responding to continual harassment of me.

I returned to Dorian's room and slipped back into bed with him. His arm unconsciously wrapped around me, and although it took a while, my troubled mind finally calmed enough to allow me some brief sleep. It was his movements that woke me a few hours later. I sat up in bed, watching as he dressed. Through the windows, the sky was barely a pinkish purple.

"You're going to meet the armies already?" I asked quietly.

From a chaise, he lifted a breastplate made of fine copper chain. Normally, he had attendants dressing him, and I knew he was doing it alone so that a group of people traipsing through his room wouldn't wake me. Watching him fumble at fastening it, I hurried over to help.

"Katrice's forces will attack as soon as they have enough light. They may have already. It's only the unfamiliar terrain that stopped them from doing it overnight."

I finished hooking the chainmail, trying not to think about how rare it was for him to wear any sort of armor. It was a sign of the danger he walked into, even if he avoided the front lines.

"I wish you weren't going."

He gave me that easy smile and rested his hands on my bare hips. "Me too. I'd much rather be back in bed with you. Stay a couple hours. I'm sure I'll be right back."

That brought a smile to my lips, though I felt no humor. "Yes, I'm sure that's all it'll take."

He released me and turned to a cabinet on the wall. Opening it, he revealed a number of weapons. One of Copyright 2016 - 2024