Iron Crowned Page 0,20

certainly arrange that. I have a number of nobles who'd be happy to take her as a wife - or even a consort if she didn't wish to be tied down yet."

The teasing fingers between my legs had now set the rest of my body on fire. I felt my nipples hardening and regretted the thin silk of the dress. Fortunately, no one seemed to be paying attention to me, though that might change, seeing how quickly I was building to orgasm.

Dorian's suggestion wasn't what Edria had wanted to hear, and the grateful expression she put on was clearly forced. "You're too kind, Your Majesty. But it would be so wasteful to give such a fertile woman to some minor lord. Surely a gift like Ysabel's deserves ... royalty."

The aching, tingling ecstasy created by his touch was ready to explode. And to my chagrin, I wanted it to. It was a need I had to have fulfilled. Completed. So, it was a shock when his finger moved down from my clit, sliding into me instead. It created a different kind of pleasure, but the move was frustrating, considering how close I'd been. I spread my legs slightly, giving permission for him to return, but he continued thrusting his finger into me. His motions grew harder and faster, but only the slightest movement of his body gave any sign of what he was doing, and no one seemed to pick up on it. There was something thrilling, something dangerously erotic about knowing he was doing this to me with so many potential witnesses.

"You're right," Dorian said, face turning serious, as though he was truly considering Edria's words. "And I know a couple of kings who might be interested. Rurik, do you remember ... does the Lotus King have a consort?"

"I'm not sure," said Rurik, clearly enjoying Dorian's game. "He's the one who has the gray streak down the middle of his beard, right? And the slightly pointed ears?"

"That's the one," replied Dorian.

And then, without warning, Dorian's finger - so, so wet now - slid out and returned to my clit with such fierce rubbing that I came almost instantly. I'd been ready and aching, and that touch was all it took to push me over. My body twitched as waves of bliss radiated through me, and Dorian continued to stroke me, long after it was needed. At last, he pulled away and even went so far as to neatly pull my skirt back before returning his hand to his own lap.

A very pleased smile tugged at his lips, though his attention was all on Ysabel. "Would you like me to make an introduction?"

Her expression was cold, her response stiff. "You're too kind, Your Majesty. I'd hate to inconvenience you." I hadn't paid much attention to her but realized now that she'd been paying attention to me. I was pretty sure she was the only one at the table who realized what had happened - and she wasn't happy about it.

"No inconvenience at all," he said. "I'll see what I can arrange."

Edria went out of her way to move conversation away from her daughter being hooked up with someone who wasn't Dorian. I barely heard any of it, and when dinner finally ended, I returned with Dorian to his room. My post-orgasm languor gave way to anger almost the moment he shut the door behind us.

"What the hell do you think you were doing?" I exclaimed. "You had no right to do that!"

Dorian made a scoffing noise as he carefully removed and folded his heavy cloak. "You didn't seem to mind. Besides, you're lucky that's all I did, what with you showing up without warning in that dress."

"Hey, I don't have to consult you on my fashion choices."

"No, but you should expect consequences." He moved swiftly toward me, hands moving to my waist. "It was only out of respect for your silly human prudishness that I didn't just take you openly. Really, you should be grateful."

"Grateful?" I exclaimed. I sounded outraged, but in truth, the closeness of his body was arousing me again. Jesus. It was like I was always in heat.

"Grateful," he said, a glint of fierceness in his eyes. "Especially after the favor I did you. A favor you now need to repay."

The hold on my waist went tight, and he pushed me down onto the bed. I could easily have resisted - we both knew who'd win in a hand-to-hand fight - but I was more than willing to Copyright 2016 - 2024