Iron Crowned Page 0,18

gentry etiquette dominated, and Edria was the picture of politeness. "Your Majesty, it is an honor."

"Thank you," I said, settling next to Dorian on a very cozy and ornate love seat. It squeezed us together, something I knew he didn't mind as his eyes continued to rake over my body. Our legs were so near each other's that I made the concession of letting mine drape slightly over his. Our seat was pulled up close to the table, so the long, heavy tablecloth hid this boldness on my part - as well as the hand he rested on my thigh.

"I'm surprised to see you here, Your Majesty," said Ysabel demurely. With the way her breasts practically spilled out of her dress, I wondered how I could have felt self-conscious about my tight bodice. "I thought you were busy managing your land and your ... human matters."

"It's not surprising at all," remarked Rurik, just before reaching for a giant drumstick. He took a huge, savage bite, but waited until he swallowed before continuing with the next remark. It was an improvement on past manners. "She and my lord can hardly stay away from each other." I smiled at the use of "my lord." Even after Dorian had sent Rurik to serve me, the soldier still thought of Dorian as his master.

"Of course," said Edria, rushing in when Ysabel's expression turned frosty. "It's just, from what we've heard, you aren't interested in these types of functions. Indeed, I hadn't expected to meet you in such ... lovely attire."

"Very lovely," said Dorian. He'd dragged his eyes from me at last and gestured for a refill on his wine.

I didn't necessarily like having my appearance discussed - even if the discussion was positive - but praising me gave me a boost in status. "I'm surprised you were surprised," said Rurik, this time speaking with his mouth full. Well, we could only expect so much progress. "Everyone's heard how beautiful my lady is. Men far and wide want her, but of course, she would only accept the best for her consort. As would my lord."

From Rurik, this was almost charming, but not to the mother and daughter duo. "My understanding," said Edria delicately, "is that more than your, eh, looks add to your appeal. You and your lady sister are both valued for your future children. I can already see she has a number of suitors."

I glanced across the room at Jasmine, sitting by Shaya. Jasmine had a genuine smile on her face, but whether it was from being out and about or because of the men who had gathered and seemed to be paying her compliments, I couldn't say. I forced away a frown.

"My sister and I have no intention of having children," I said, turning back to my companions.

"How unfortunate," said Edria. Her eyes darted ever so slightly toward Dorian. "How unfortunate for everyone."

"Your Majesty," said Ysabel, "have you met my children?"

I flinched in surprise. I'd forgotten she had kids. Mother and daughter might insinuate that the prophecy was half of my attractiveness, but I knew that Ysabel, after losing her husband, had come to Dorian's court seeking a powerful man through the use of both her beauty and her fertility.

I followed her gaze toward a small table by the fireplace. Most of its occupants were young. It was like a kids' table at Thanksgiving. I hadn't seen many gentry children and could make a good guess at Ysabel's progeny based on their red hair. She confirmed as much.

"That's my daughter, Ansonia." In human years, I would have pegged Ansonia to be about ten or eleven. Her brilliant hair was piled in braids on her head, and she was giggling at a puppy that kept nudging her feet, undoubtedly seeking handouts. "Beside her is my son, Pagiel."

He was a serious-looking young man, contrasting sharply with his laughing sister. Relatively speaking, he looked a little older than Jasmine. His red hair was darker than Ansonia's, more like Ysabel's, and his blue-gray eyes regarded the puppy's antics critically, as though deciding if he approved. At last, a tiny smile appeared on his face, transforming him and making a couple of nearby girls his age sigh adoringly.

Ysabel had clearly pointed her children out as a slam against me, yet I caught sincere affection in her eyes as she regarded the two. I'd always thought her coming to court to push herself off on some guy was bordering on prostitution, but there was more to the story. Copyright 2016 - 2024