Iron Crowned Page 0,14

in both worlds, too divided to give either my full attention.

Nonetheless, I made the most of my day in Tucson. I knocked off three more jobs for Lara, much to her relief. Jobs meant money, meaning both of us got paid. She'd hinted in the past that our drop in work was creating financial problems, enough that she might need a second job. That made me uneasy because a second job could easily turn into her only job. Finding an administrative assistant who could schedule and bill supernatural appointments wasn't that easy.

I came home at last to an empty house, with a note scrawled from Tim saying he had "a gig" tonight and that there was fettuccine alfredo in the refrigerator if I wanted it. Eating in front of the TV, I selfishly felt resentful that he'd go out on one of the few nights I was home. But why wouldn't he? He certainly had a life, one I was hardly in. What really brought me down was that on a night like this, I once would have been over at my mom's eating dinner. For a second, I stared at my phone and considered taking the plunge. But, no. If she wanted to get in touch clandestinely, she would. Calling now would risk me getting Roland, who would hang up on me. Or most likely not answer.

Frustrated, I decided I didn't want to stay here anymore. It was weird, especially since I'd wanted to come home so badly earlier. Yet, I felt like I wasn't welcome in my own house. I showered off the day's fights - no gentry baths for me - and headed right back to the Otherworld. I almost never came and went the same day, but suddenly, my kingdom seemed like the only place I had friends at the moment.

They were surprised to see me back so soon. I found Shaya and Rurik playing chess in a formal sitting room, leaning together and laughing as she planned her next move. Both jumped when they saw me.

"Your Majesty," said Shaya. They'd instantly gone from casual to formal mode.

"Sit, both of you. You should know better." I sat as well, sinking into a down-filled love seat that I'd inherited from the castle's previous owner.

Shaya and Rurik returned to their seats, relaxing somewhat. "We didn't think you'd be back for a while," said Rurik, ever blunt.

Shaya looked twitchy, like she wanted to get up, despite what I'd said. "Should I have the kitchen start preparing dinner?"

"No, no, don't bother." It was common among gentry monarchs for every meal to be a full-fledged banquet, particularly dinner, hosting the full court. With my schedule and the fact that I didn't even keep a full court - just the essentials - that was not the case around here. My kitchen staff had it easy, and I certainly didn't want them to get in a sudden panic over a meal they would have normally started on hours ago, had they known I'd be there.

I stared off at the empty fireplace, which had been unused since I'd taken over. Had the Thorn Land shifted into winter, we might have needed it. A kingdom's seasons bent to its monarch's will, and although Tucson was in winter right now, my subconscious apparently thought summer was the proper state.

Shaya and Rurik regarded me patiently, wondering what it was I wanted, if not dinner. I wasn't sure myself. I fumbled for something to say. "News or messages on the war front?"

"No," said Rurik. Not surprising. Ranelle had probably only just gotten home. She was likely feasting with the Linden King right now.

I met Shaya's eyes. "It's probably dinnertime at Dorian's, huh? Or close to it."

She tilted her head thoughtfully. There were no clocks in the Otherworld, but she had a good sense of the time. "I would imagine so, Your Majesty."

"Do you think he'd mind unscheduled visitors?"

"You?" Shaya laughed. "Hardly."

I glanced between the two of them, feeling a smile creep onto my lips. "What do you say? Should we go crash his party?"

"Party crashing" might not be a colloquialism among the gentry, but it didn't take Shaya or Rurik long to figure out what I meant. Both sprang to action. I couldn't travel alone during wartime, so Rurik had to assemble a military escort for us. Shaya left to alert the civilians who'd go with us and make herself ready for a royal visit. Both of them were excited, I could tell. Humans and gentry weren't so Copyright 2016 - 2024