The Ippos King (Wraith Kings #3) - Grace Draven Page 0,123

Rodan against him. He hoped once they reached Timsiora, he'd find Bryzant there so he could kill him.

Unlike his imprisonment under Chamtivos, his only hardships were the annoying manacles, the watchful eyes of his escorts at all times of the day and night, and a horse whose trot threatened to shake his teeth loose no matter how much he adjusted his seat to the animal's gait. Ratik and his troop were respectful to him the entire time, some even deferential. He ate what they ate and slept on the ground as they did, huddled in blankets. Sometimes he slept; other times he stared up at the night sky, worried for Anhuset and Erostis, worried about those at High Salure. Had Rodan sent more of his army to wrest control of the fortress from the High Salure troop? Gods forbid there had been any fighting. He prayed not. His reason told him he didn't have to fear for Anhuset or Erostis. Neither was a wilting flower. Still, he hoped they'd made it to Saggara without mishap and Magas with them.

They reached Timsiora at midday when the streets were packed with foot traffic as well as carts and other assorted livestock. The crowds parted for Ratik and his men, and several people who watched them as they passed exclaimed in shock, and even outrage at the sight of Lord Pangion, margrave of High Salure, hero in the galla war, once a Wraith king, manacled and escorted as a prisoner to the palace.

“I don't believe it,” he overheard one man say. “I hear his fortress is finer than the royal palace.”

“I believe it,” another said. “Why stop at governor when you can become king?”

Serovek winced inside at the reactions. This would only make things worse for him. No doubt there was a spy at every corner who'd report back to the king about the crowd's response and fuel Rodan's belief that he had a potential usurper on his hands.

Ratik turned him over to a troop of palace guards. He and his men all bowed from their saddles and saluted. Ratik even offered a sign that Serovek recognized as a blessing of the creator god Yalda. “May the sun not abandon you to darkness, Lord Pangion. Good luck.”

Serovek nodded his thanks and followed his new escort into the palace itself. More stares and surprised exclamations, frantic whispers from courtiers lingering in the various corridors to gossip and plot or hope for an audience with the king. By the time he was led to Rodan's audience hall, he was certain the entire royal court was behind them.

The doors closed on their curious faces and Serovek strode toward the throne on its high dais at the chamber's other end. An old man perched upon the chair, gaze sharp as a raptor's and just as predatory. He didn't blink the entire time Serovek closed the distance between them or when he genuflected before the throne.

“Your Majesty,” he said

King Rodan reclined in his seat, one finger tapping the side of his cheek as he regarded Serovek silently for several moments. “So, the traitor has returned,” he finally said. “I'm told you didn't try to escape.” Once more a prolonged quiet. Serovek knew better than to speak without invitation. “Have you nothing to say, Pangion?”

“I'm innocent of the charges of both treason and sedition, Your Majesty,” he said, knowing such a simple defense would have no bearing on the king. “I have no reason to escape.”

Rodan reached for something on the small table next to the throne. A square of parchment with a wax seal broken open to show whatever the parchment contained, it had been read. “That isn't what this missive from your steward says,” he said. “Shall I read it to you?”

If he were honest, stupid, and suicidal, Serovek would have told him not to bother. He could guess at what pile of horse manure had been written there. “I would appreciate it, Your Majesty.”

Rodan moved the parchment away from him as far as his arm would stretch and cocked his head back so he could read. “I fear his lordship has changed, and not for the better, since his return from his battle with the galla. His time as a Wraith king has altered his view of his own role as a margrave who serves the will of Your Majesty, especially since his popularity has grown and expanded far beyond High Salure. I write to tell you that he is now en route to the Lobak Copyright 2016 - 2024