Invision - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,5

kind of thing will cost you. It’s not free, and the universal powers frown upon it. It’s like altering time. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. The hardest part of life is knowing when to walk away and let fate run its course. Even though it’s a kick in the stones to let it do it.”

“And if that was you trapped there? Would you still be advocating a retreat?”

“It was me trapped there, for countless centuries. And yes, it sucked.” He reached over his shoulder to rub at his back. “You want to know why I choose to stay in my cat form most of the time?”

“You hate people.”

He shook his head. “When I’m a cat, I’m not reminded of the fact that my own father ripped my wings off my back in a fit of anger over something I didn’t do. You’ve no idea how many times I instinctively try to move them, only to remember they’re gone. And why.”

Yeah, that had to burn. Soul deep. Having wings himself, he knew they were the same as an appendage. It would be the same as someone ripping off an arm or leg. “I’m sorry.”

Xev shrugged. “The point is we all have our own version of misery we deal with. And I do feel badly about Zavid. But you go down there, and there’s no easy way back. It’s a trap for you. Trust me. Noir will own you for eternity.”

“My father escaped.”

“By betraying a friend. You ready to do that?”

Nick snorted. “Depends on the friend.”

Xev gave him a flat, droll stare.

“Lighten up. It was a joke.… Sort of.” Letting out a tired sigh, Nick checked his watch. “Anyway, I’ve got to get to work. Keep an eye on my mom?”


“All right. See you later.” He left Xev, knowing the ancient being would die before he allowed anything bad to happen to Cherise Gautier.

That was the only good thing that had come of the deception that had been played with their lives. Xev wasn’t just an immortal houseguest Nick had taken in, the ancient cursed god was also his great-grandfather.

Yeah, it really messed with his head whenever he stopped to think about it. While they physically appeared to be only a couple of years apart in age, their births were separated by thousands of years. He’d had no idea they were related when he’d saved Xev and allowed him to move in here.

Neither of them had known.

It was something they were slowly coming to terms with, especially since Xev had been forced to give up his son and had never thought to see him again. The last thing Xev had ever expected to find when Nick had rescued him was that he had a living granddaughter, never mind the addition of her smart-mouthed son.

Life as a Malachai was ever a strange, strange thing. But Nick was slowly acclimating to it.

Leaving Xev behind, he exited his condo and dug his car keys out of his pocket. His mom was still at work and would be there for another hour. Until Xev had moved in with them, Nick would have been worried about her walking home from the bar and grill where she worked by herself. But Xev would head over and see her home for him.

And he’d die before he allowed any harm to come to her.

That was the only thing that allowed Nick to function these days, especially given the number of creatures out to claim a piece of his hide. And who were willing to use his mom as a bargaining chip to get to him.

Thanks, Dad, for that birthright.

’Course, he couldn’t blame it all on his father. A large chunk of it had to do with his own surly attitude of pissing off everyone around him and in particular the Grim Reaper, War, and the essence of all evil himself. Nick had done all that on his own.

No help whatsoever.

In retrospect, he should have thought it through a little better before he lipped off at them. But at the time, he’d been a little put out. It’d seemed like a good idea.

Now …

Well, he wasn’t gutted yet. They hadn’t captured or killed his mother or Kody. So, he was almost winning.

Some days.

Yeah, that was the lie he was going to go with for now. It allowed him to sleep a few hours at night so long as nothing scratched at the windows or walls.

Pushing it out of his mind, he headed for Kyrian’s and tried to focus Copyright 2016 - 2024