Invincible Chronicles of Nick - By Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,24

normal again.

“So do you like New Orleans?” he asked her. “Is it different from where you lived before?”

“Very different. But I like it. Except for the heat. I can’t believe it’s still this warm so late in October.”

“Yeah, well, there’s an old saying here. If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute. We can swing from hot to cold faster than a turbo wash with a tankless system.”

Nekoda felt her guard slipping as she laughed at his humor. It’s his demon glamour. Don’t fall for it. But it was hard. Nick Gautier was charming and sweet. Adorable.

Gorgeous with eyes so blue, it should be a sin and thick brown hair that begged to be touched. At fourteen, the promise of the man he’d grow into was already there. The chiseled features and sharp intelligence. And even though he was lean, his muscle tone was perfect and showed that in time, his body would be well defined.

The best part was, he had no idea just how handsome he was.

Timid and unsure, yet he could tap some of the most destructive forces ever unleashed. Once he was grown, he would have the potential to become evil in its purest, coldest form. She must never lose sight of that.

Still, his smile was infectious. His kindness touching.

When she went to pay for her food, he stopped her and took care of the bill. He wouldn’t even let her tip the waitress.

Then, he excused himself and took his change so that he could drop it in the trombone case for the street musicians. He didn’t keep a single cent of it.

She arched a brow at that as he rejoined her and took a seat. “I thought you were really poor.”

He blushed profusely. “I am, but I’ve got a new job that pays well, and I believe in sharing my good fortune whenever I have some. Lucas helps his daughter at school, so … I figured he needs it more than I do.”

“That’s really sweet of you.”

“I have moments of that, but don’t tell anyone. Let that be our secret.”

She smiled at his sincerity. He was so different from the Malachai she’d once battled. How could this generous boy have come from the most evil of all powers? It was inconceivable, and yet there he sat.…

Caring. Joking. Precious.

But for the fact she knew better, she’d swear they had identified the wrong person. And yet, somehow this boy in front of her would grow into a demon who would one day end the world.

A demon she’d have to kill.

If she had any brains, she’d do it right now, before those powers grew stronger. But she had protocols to follow. There was still a chance that he could be saved.

A bargain made …

She had to honor that bargain, even though it went against every part of her being. Like him, she’d been born a soldier. Her sole duty to protect the natural order and to put down any and all enemies.

Including charming teenage boys.

The wealth of a soul is measured by how much it can feel … its poverty by how little.

Right now, in this time and place, Nick’s soul was rich and pure. If they could keep it this way, he wouldn’t be lost. A tool they could use and a power they could harness …

That was the landscape they were painting, and failure wasn’t an option.

Nick had the sudden feeling that Kody was dissecting him like some mutant lab experiment. “Did I sprout a new head?”

She blinked. “What?”

“You look like you’re trying to figure me out. I probably shouldn’t say anything, but it’s making me really uncomfortable.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it. I was just … Never mind. Some things a woman has to keep to herself.”

“Hey, good quality people! What are you doing out and about in the daylight?”

Nick grinned at the high-pitched, singsongy voice that belonged to Simi. Another newbie he’d met last night. She’d shown up to help them all out, and boy had she ever. “Hi, Simi. Want to join us?”

Her hair was jet black with red streaks running through it. Today she had it pulled up in pigtails that were held with spiked bands that matched the spiked collar around her neck. A good six feet tall, she also wore stacked boots that added another four to five inches to her height. Her short skirt was a purple plaid that matched her purple fishnet top and black tank.

She plopped down in the chair next to Kody and opened Copyright 2016 - 2024