Invincible Chronicles of Nick - By Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,23

know I take good care of her. How’s your daughter doing? She settling into school okay?” Lucas’s wife had died of cancer four years ago, leaving him alone to raise Kesha, who’d graduated last spring. Now she was up at LSU taking classes, wanting to be a cancer researcher one day.

“She loves it so much, I’m having a hard time getting her to come home to visit. Can you believe it? Never thought she’d leave. Now I doubt I’ll get her back.”

Nick laughed. “I’m sure she’ll be home soon. How could she not?”

Thomas, the drummer, tapped his drumsticks together to let them know it was time for another song. Lifting his trombone, Lucas inclined his head to Nick before he joined in with them to play “Iko Iko.”

Nick cringed. While he loved the song, it was one of those that never failed to give him a vicious earworm. He’d be hearing it in his head for at least the next three days.

Hey, now. Hey, now … Iko Iko unday … See! It was already starting.

Oh man, someone shoot me.

As he looked around for an empty table, his gaze was caught by something pink and creamy. When he focused on the girl’s face, his stomach plummeted south. With soft brown hair and great big eyes, it was the most beautiful girl in the world.


And when she recognized him, the prettiest smile he’d ever seen lit her entire face and did things to him he barely understood. His body was hot and cold all at once. His throat turned dry, and a part of him wanted to turn around and run for cover.

Yeah, that would be the smart thing to do.

When have you ever been smart?

Before he knew what he was doing, his feet took him to her table.

“Hi,” she said, flashing him an adorable dimple.

How could one syllable sound like a heavenly choir? Yet that was the sweetest sound he’d ever heard. It even sent a shiver down his spine. “Hey.”

Say something else. Quick.

Why was his mind completely blank? It wasn’t like he’d never spoken to her before. Heck, she’d even kissed him last night.

Yeah, and he could still taste her lips.

That was the problem, he realized. It was so awkward to see her after they’d kissed. Had he screwed it up? Had it been okay for her?

Ah gah, I’m pathetic. I don’t even know how to talk to a girl.

At this rate, he’d never get a girlfriend.

She glanced around nervously. “You want to sit down?” She stretched the words out like maybe she was as uncomfortable as he was.

Oh no. Don’t tell me she’s going to give me the let’s be friends speech. He hated that SOB.

“Uh, yeah.” His hands shaking, he pulled the vinyl chair back and took a seat. “Sorry I’m a space cadet today. My mom got me up way too early this morning, and I’m not fully awake after last night. Then Bubba had me helping clean his store. I could really go for a nap.” You’re yammering too much, and don’t talk about beds or she might think you’re inviting her to something that might offend her, or get you slapped. “How are you feeling?” Yeah, that was a safe topic.

For both of them.

“Glad to be alive.”

The waitress came up to take their order. Nick started to tell her to bring him water when he remembered that for once he actually had cash from Kyrian and Mr. Poitiers. Thank God. He could even cover Kody’s tab. “Two orders of beignets and a chocolate milk for me.” He looked at Nekoda. “What would you like to drink?”

“The milk sounds good. I’ll have that, too.”

The waitress headed off.

“Have you heard anything about what happened at school?” he asked her. School was usually another safe topic.

“Not yet. What about you?”

“Nothing, other than we have a new coach.”

She looked as shocked as he’d been. “Really?”

“Yeah, scary, right? I think they replaced the coach before they finished mopping the blood up in the hallway.” Nick cringed as soon as he heard those words come out of his mouth. Don’t talk about blood with a girl. Are you stupid?

Luckily, she changed the subject for him. “How’s your arm feeling?”

“Better. No pain at all today.”


Then it was awkward again. But the one thing he was grateful for was the fact that she was still a girl. Plain and simple. Not a shape-shifter, vampire slayer, or a demon. Just another human being having a bite with him. It was good to be around Copyright 2016 - 2024