Invasion Colorado - By Vaughn Heppner Page 0,42

the gut. The tasks are getting to me. I have done this too long.

She almost faltered as panic threatened. Do you realize what you’re admitting? She had indulged in bloodletting too long. Deciding who lived and who died—I have to give up my post before an executioner comes for me.

If that was true…Her three enforcers must die. They knew too many secrets about her that no one must ever learn.

I must cover my tracks, beginning today.

Ahead of her, the three enforcers paused before a closed door.

I have no more time for contemplation. I have a task to perform.

“Enter,” she said briskly.

With a gloved hand, the first enforcer opened the door. Then the three of them surged into the room, one after the other. A man inside gasped loud enough for Shun Li to hear.

She allowed herself a slight grin. It was time to play her persona. But I must not enjoy this. No. I do the task for the good of China.

Shun Li entered the chamber. An East Lighting major stood behind his desk, scowling at the three carbines leveled at him. He ran to fat, this major, with a big belly. Still, the man had presence and stern features.

“What is the meaning of this, Guardian Inspector?” the major asked.

“I’m paying you a visit,” Shun Li said. “Please, sit down.”

The major glanced at the carbines and lifted a sardonic eyebrow at her.

Shun Li said nothing. The man kept his calm, which annoyed her. Maybe he needed breaking before they could proceed. She raised a hand as if to adjust her cape. The gloved hand stopped and she lifted a finger.

Underneath his enclosed helmet, the first enforcer grinned. He had several gold teeth. Coming around the desk, the enforcer swung the butt of his carbine, striking the major across the chin. The fat major catapulted back into his chair, his head thudded against the wall behind him.

Shun Li waved her hand.

The enforcer backed away, moving stiffly like an enraged hound.

Fear and pain shined in the major’s eyes. Gingerly, he touched his jaw, moving it tenderly from side to side. The sternness had departed. He deflated and his shoulders hunched.

In a hoarse voice, he said, “This is an unwarranted—”

The enforcer moved fast, lifting his carbine, tucking the butt against his shoulder and aiming at the East Lightning major. The man choked on his words as terror replaced the fear. It made his otherwise stern features seem pasty and doughy.

Suddenly, Shun Li was weary of this. The exchange seldom varied and it had become tedious.

The major turned away from the carbine and looked at her with pleading and hope. Once, she had enjoyed the range of emotions and enjoyed playing with a tormenter as a child would a new toy. The interrogator would have ruled too long in his spider kingdom, acting like a god, bestowing life or demanding death. He had forgotten how to deal with someone slapping him in the face or pointing a gun at his chest. To see the knowledge of his coming demise glow in his eyes had always made her grin inwardly.

Yes, I’ve enjoyed my tasks too much. Now I must escape this death-spiral or soon I will be the one sitting in the major’s chair.

Yet how could she escape? She was a spider with a larger web, but a spider nonetheless waiting for the coming wasp of higher command.

“Guardian Inspector,” the major said, “I would like to—”

“Quiet,” she said. “Let me think.”

One of the enforcers glanced at her, aiming his dark visor in her direction.

Shun Li suppressed a shudder. It felt as if the future looked at her, a grim reaper cutting her thread of life.

She almost said, “Kill him,” meaning the major. It would be a form of release from the awful knowledge of her own mortality. Fear thudded in her chest. Normally, she assuaged her wilted conscience by feeding it blood, attempting to drown it perhaps. She did have the blood madness, didn’t she? Is it too late for me?

Instead of giving the kill order, she snapped her mouth shut so her teeth clicked together. There had to be a way out of this self-made trap. She didn’t want to pay for—they’re not crimes. I did this for the good of China.

“Wait outside in the hall,” she told the enforcers.

The three killers hesitated. Then the first turned without a word and headed for the door. The other two followed. In a moment, the door closed behind them.

Shun Li regarded the major. He had bad Copyright 2016 - 2024