Invasion Colorado - By Vaughn Heppner Page 0,152

on a pad outside the shack and then entered the warm room.

“Heaters,” Jake said. It was like a different world in here.

“Go outside for a bit,” the Lieutenant told the comm-operator.

“Orders are strict, Lieutenant,” the operator said. “I can’t do that while someone else is in here.”

The Lieutenant didn’t hesitate. He drew his pistol and put the barrel against the operator’s stomach. “Let me ask you a question. Do you see the captain in here or am I the highest ranking officer?”

The frightened operator looked down at the gun and then up into the Lieutenant’s face. The operator appeared as if he wanted to say something. Finally, he gulped and hurried outside.

“I’m going to make sure he stays out until you’re done,” the Lieutenant said.

Jake stared at the man, the fanatic who had fought the hardest these past months. This crazy, ardent nationalist had turned out to be his good comrade at arms. They had gone to the wall for each other and they would continue to do so.

“Thanks,” Jake said.

Without another word, the Lieutenant went outside.

Jake used the code words given him. He had to provide them several times. Finally, his father appeared on the screen.

“Dad,” Jake said, grinning from ear to ear.

His father stared at him and tears welled in his eyes. It made Jake’s ears tear up too.

“Jake,” his dad said. “You’ve alive.”

“Yes sir, so are you.”

“Oh, Jake, it’s so good to see you.” His old man wiped his eyes.

Jake did the same to his.

“Where are you?” his dad asked.

“Idaho Springs. We’re all that’s left from the siege.”

Colonel Stan Higgins grinned. “Have you phoned your mother yet?”

“She’s next on the list, Dad. Hey, I’ve seen some footage. You did a real number on the Chinese armies that killed a lot of my friends.”

“We did our best,” Stan said.

“Guess what. I’m a sergeant now. I guess I made it off the bad list and onto the good.”

“You’ve made me proud, Jake, very proud.”

“Is America going to hold this giant pocket and round up the Chinese in it?” Jake asked.

Stan became grim. “This is more than a giant pocket. It’s most of Third Front. The Chinese can’t afford to let us capture more than a million of their soldiers. Heck, it’s probably closer to two million. But to answer your question, it’s going to take a lot more fighting before these soldiers surrender.”

“Do you think they will try to get out this way through Idaho Springs?”

“It doesn’t make any strategic sense for them to try that. I’m thinking you’ve seen the worst of it.”

That was good news, but who could tell?

“Son, I want you to call your mother. I have her number and a priority clearance you’ll need to get through to her. Call her. Tell her you’re well. Don’t tell her anything about the fighting, though.”

“I understand, Dad.”

Stan Higgins grinned. “I’m so glad you’re well. Call me again after you’re done with her, if you can.”

“Yes sir.”

Stan grinned even wider.

It made Jake felt great. He nodded, and then he broke the connection and began typing in the code that would let him talk to his worried mother.


Shun Li figured the plan was crazy and far too risky. Didn’t the Chairman have any idea of the security arrangements around and in the Police Ministry? She’d even been bold enough to question the Leader directly on his insane plan.

“Guardian Inspector, you would be surprised what audaciousness can achieve in a situation like this. The key is twofold. Do not hesitate to kill and act with supreme confidence.”

She now sat in the back of a big Chinese four-door automobile. The vehicle lacked American aerodynamics and often struck her more as a giant metal box with wheels than a car.

A Lion Guardsman drove, and two others sat up front with him. Each wore body armor and the submachine gun they liked carrying. In back with her sat Tang and one other thickly built and heavily armed and armored killer.

A mere six of us to topple Xiao from power. This is preposterous.

They passed several security checks without a problem. It was different at the guard shack before the great gray Police Ministry Headquarters.

The driver’s window rolled down. A stern-faced East Lightning operative looked in. “You are not cleared for entrance.”

“Show him your pass,” Tang whispered to Shun Li.

“Diver,” she said to the Lion Guardsman. “Please instruct the security officer to come to my window.”

The East Lightning officer heard her. His face moved away from the driver’s window. Shun Li opened her window Copyright 2016 - 2024