Invasion Colorado - By Vaughn Heppner Page 0,146

Fifteenth turned to face and swarm the Behemoths. American artillery kept pounding the enemy at the longest range possible, and drone strikes hammered in to keep the Chinese busy. Even with all that, the enemy was finally doing the right thing.

It’s a matter of speed. Who can accomplish his task quicker: our Behemoths or the great, unwieldy armies?

“With the loss of the force cannon and the destroyed Behemoth earlier, we’ve lost one-fifth of our offensive firepower,” Jose commented.

“I know,” Stan said. He’d been thinking the same thing.

“How many force cannons do you need to keep the attacking going?” Jose asked.

“That’s a good question. I’ll tell you in a little bit.”

Jose laughed nervously. “I never realized our Behemoths were this good, Colonel.”

No, Stan thought, neither did I.


First Rank Zhu gripped the handlebars of his battle-taxi. To his right, First Rank Tian’s squad clung to their battle-taxi. The helos flew nap-of-the-earth, a bare twenty meters above the snow. This was trick flying and he was leading his squad into the fray for the first time.

This felt different from any other time. Now, he was responsible for the others. It wasn’t just how well he fought; he had to make sure his men fought well, too.

Zhu licked his lips. Today, they didn’t carry assault rifles or grenade launchers. Each Eagle flyer carried a big magnetic mine. Each Eagle flyer had a single task to perform: land on a giant American tank, attach the mine—that would automatically set the device—and fly away for safety.

Zhu doubted they could escape again. This was a suicide mission.

This is for the glory of China.

It saddened Zhu that he would have to die today. But if he was going to die, he was going to take an American super-tank with him. He had become a First Rank. Who would have ever expected that from him? His mother, if she were still alive, would have been proud of him.

Zhu glanced at his men. They watched the ground, each wrapped in his own thoughts. Zhu didn’t know them well. He had no doubt they were brave.

He looked up. Missile streaks left trails in the sky. Beside them flashed long cruise missiles. They were almost to the great tanks. Yes, he saw the monsters blazing fire. They were beasts, and the firepower pouring from them was awe-inspiring.

Against orders, Zhu chinned on his helmet radio. “First Rank Tian of Second Squad, this is First Rank Zhu of Fifth Squad.”

“Hello, Zhu,” Tian said in a tired voice.

“Are you well?” Zhu asked.

“No I’m not well. I’m not supposed to die in America. The astrologer said so. But look at those tanks. How are we supposed to destroy them?”

“We will die gloriously today,” Zhu said.

“…Zhu, my friend, you are a good man.”

The sadness in Tian’s voice was difficult to take.

“Tian…everything I know…you taught me.”

“Zhu, Zhu, Zhu, you are China’s best soldier. Do you know that?”

“You mock me at a time like this?” Zhu asked. The tanks were getting bigger, and none of the missiles streaking at them or the cruise missiles hugging the ground could reach those tanks. This was incredible. The tanks shot the missiles out of the air.

“You are like a brother to me,” Tian was saying. “I wish you well.”

“I…I wish you well, First Rank.”

“You are my best friend, Zhu.”

“You are also my best friend.”

“Ah, Zhu, what a strange thing life is. I did not realize how much I wanted to live until this moment. Don’t you want to live?”

“Not at the price of dishonor,” Zhu said.

“Is this honor?”

“Yes!” Zhu said. “We are White Tigers. We are the greatest soldiers in the world. We have lived well, with honor and with pride. I am happy to perish well, fighting the enemy with every particle of my strength.”

“They picked the right man to be a White Tiger. I will miss you.”

Zhu blinked rapidly, finding that his eyes were wet. The moisture leaked out of the corners and streaked his temples. His chest felt so terribly hollow. He wished he could live. But this was the price of being the greatest soldier, a White Tiger. One had to be willing to lay down his life for his country. This was China’s hour of greatness. His country called upon him to destroy the dreaded tanks that annihilated his fellow warriors.

They were more blooms in the nearing distance. Nine great vehicles in a line stopped everything sent at them. As the helo closed, more explosions occurred all around the Behemoths. It was most incredible.

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