Instinct: A Chess Team Adventure - By Jeremy Robinson Page 0,91

nodded. They were facing a pandemic that spread, and killed, quickly with no respect for the healthy. He knew what such news would do to the nation. To the world. Many people would die at the hands of violence long before the Brugada seized their hearts. “How are my travel plans coming?”

“Everything has been arranged,” Boucher said. “I recommend waiting until the last possible moment before leaving the White House.”

Duncan stood. “I’ll need to record something. Address the nation. No one can know I’ve left. If . . . when . . . word gets out, the world will want to hear from me. And they’ll want to know I’m still here.”

“I’ll arrange it.”

Boucher stood and opened the door for Duncan. The president stopped next to him and spoke in a whisper. “Update the team.”



Annamite Mountains—Vietnam

AS DARKNESS CLOSED in around her, Sara wondered how Weston could see his way. Had his vision changed? Did he have senses like hers that allowed him to navigate in the dark? She tried to pay attention to her twisted senses, but they seemed to be nullified by the tight, echoing cave.

A gentle hiss, like a receding wave on a sandy beach, slid through the cave as Weston held his hand against the rock wall. He knew the cave well, but with a captive in tow, didn’t want to risk losing his balance on one of the random outcrops where he often stubbed a toe.

The steady white noise of Weston’s hand on the wall gave Sara something to focus on. Over the years, white noise had become her ally. It drowned out the sounds of the city, the pops of a house expanding and contracting with weather changes, and allowed her to sleep. Like a filter, it weeded out the noise and muffled the deluge of sensory overflow drowning her synapses. Her nerves calmed. She took a deep breath through her nose, but regretted it right away. His body odor struck her like a kick to the head. She stifled a gag, but before her nose was free of the scent, she picked up on another odor mingled with Weston’s. Something fresh. She moved farther to the side, hoping to walk outside of Weston’s odorous wake. She sniffed again.

Weston’s odor, now barely perceptible, faded as a new smell filled her nose . . . like ionized air after a thunderstorm. Sweet, clean, and refreshing. The air grew cooler and the tunnel grade rose and fell as they moved forward.

Sara tried to focus on the invigorating air, but couldn’t help wondering what Weston had planned. He said there was something she needed to see. As a scientist, he believed she would understand what he was doing. Why it was so important. He had her pegged wrong, of course; she would do whatever it took to get the cure for Brugada back to the modern world, even if it meant exposing his tribe’s existence. Spock had it right—the needs of the many did outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one. Who, at the moment, was Weston.

A sudden jolt struck Sara’s left leg as she stubbed her foot hard against a rock jutting out from the wall. She stumbled, shouting in pain. She began to topple over, but was yanked up hard.

Weston’s stench returned, now coupled with the vulgar odor of his breath up close. “Walk behind me. Wouldn’t want you twisting an ankle, now, would we?”

Without reply, Sara continued behind Weston, breathing once again through her mouth and trying her best to ignore the throb of pain in her stubbed toe.

It seemed they had hiked a mile in the darkness, but it could have been a few hundred feet. Time and all sense of the world ceased to exist in the absolute subterranean gloom. What she did know was that they were headed toward the core of some mountain.

Or maybe not.

Faint light filtered into the tunnel from a source too far ahead to see clearly. Perhaps the size of a dime, the tunnel exit gleamed blue and green. The jungle? Had they passed through the mountain?

As they continued forward the light grew steadily brighter. She could see Weston now, his near-naked form loping in front of her, cast in green and blue. The walls of the cave emerged from the darkness. Sara was surprised to see that the rough natural cave had become a buffed, squared-out tunnel. She’d noticed the smooth footing earlier, but assumed it was a well-worn path through the caverns. But this Copyright 2016 - 2024