Instant Karma - Marissa Meyer Page 0,162

carry plates of cheeseburgers, clear tables, and refill water glasses. Something tells me this, too, was Quint’s doing. Popular Quint, pulling people into his sphere, asking for their help, and actually getting it.

This would have been the highlight of the evening, at least for me. The food smells delicious. The auction prizes look great. Wallets are opening, and the snippets of conversation I can hear suggest that Rosa’s speech was well received. Everyone is having a good time. The Fortuna Beach Sea Animal Rescue Center’s inaugural gala is, by all measures, an enormous success.

I might feel pride in knowing that I had a part in making this happen, but it’s overshadowed by my resentment at not being able to see it through to the end.

“Dude,” says Ezra, walking toward us with half a cheeseburger slider in his hand. He’s wearing a yellow volunteer shirt, but something tells me he hasn’t been taking his server duties very seriously. “These are the best sliders I’ve ever had. Have you tried one yet?”

“I’m good,” says Quint, waving off his friend. “Hey, EZ, have you seen my mom?”

“She was over there a minute ago,” Ezra says, pointing with the burger before taking another bite. “So, is there a whodunnit story or what? Wait! Don’t tell me. Let me guess.” He lifts one pointed eyebrow. “It was the lifeguard, in the pool, with a fishhook!”

Quint stares at him blankly.

“What, not even a smile?” says Ezra, throwing his head back in dismay. “Come on! I’ve been working on that joke for, like, ten minutes.”

“Really?” drawls Morgan. “And that’s the best you could come up with?”

“Look, I’ll fill you in later, okay?” says Quint. He starts to pass him, but Ezra stops him with a hand on his arm.

“Hold on, dude.” He reaches over and grabs a glass of wine off the bar. “You look like you need a drink.” Then he adds, whispering, “And they’re totally not carding anyone.”

“Uh. No, thanks,” says Quint, ignoring Ezra as he searches for his mom.

“Prudence? Snarky girl whose name I don’t know?” says Ezra, holding the glass toward me and Morgan.

“I’m fine,” I say.

Morgan just gives him a look of contempt.

“Suit yourself.” Ezra tips the glass up, downing half of it in one gulp.

“There, I see her,” says Quint.

I follow his gesture and spot Rosa near one of the easels. She’s holding a glass of wine and gesturing at the photo as she talks with a guest.

Shauna is with her. She looks completely at ease, her gray hair neatly curled, a bright-colored silk scarf around her neck. She’s wearing big rhinestone earrings that catch my eye even from the other side of the room.

Just for the heck of it, I try squeezing my fist again. Come on, Universe. If you could just take care of this mess for us, this evening would go so much smoother …

But, like in the theater, nothing happens.

Quint inhales slowly and makes his way across the room. Morgan and I follow close behind. We are a united front.

Quint interrupts the conversation. “Mom? Can I talk to you?”

Rosa startles, turning so fast she bumps into Quint’s arm. The wine splashes out of her glass, spilling across the parquet floor. “Oh gosh, I’m so sorry,” she says, looking around for a napkin.

“It’s fine,” says Quint. “Mom—”

“I’ve been wondering where you ran off to.” Rosa is still beaming. “I was just telling this gentleman all about your interest in photography and how you want to get your diving certification after…” Her attention lands on me and her smile falls. Surprise and confusion war across her features. “Oh. Hello, Prudence,” she says, her politeness tinged with frost. “I didn’t expect to see you tonight.”

“I’m glad she’s here,” Quint says forcefully. “Actually, Mom, I’d like to talk to you and Shauna, if I could.” He glances at Shauna. “In private.”

Bewildered, Rosa looks around at all of us. The man she was speaking with clears his throat and excuses himself to get a refill on his drink.

Shauna looks bewildered, but a second later I see the wheels turning as she looks between me and Quint.

“This seems like a rather inconvenient time,” says Shauna, chuckling, though her smile has an edge. “We are in the middle of throwing a party. Why don’t the three of you kids grab some food and go relax. Quint, I know how hard you worked to pull this off. And, I suppose, so did you, Prudence. Despite … everything.” Derision coats her words, and I glare at Copyright 2016 - 2024