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he played this game, he licked and sucked the woman’s fingers as he attempted to get the cherry in his mouth, but in this case, he went after it with his teeth. He groaned when the first cherry fell to the floor and she had to grab a second cherry out of the bowl near her hip. He caught a glimpse of Steve snorting his bump of coke—finally—and going after a cherry without pause. That meant they were neck and neck. Logan might not have to throw the game after all. Holding the second cherry between his teeth, he moved to stand over the woman’s face. The idea was to get it from his mouth into hers without touching her lips. Which was way easier if he got up close and personal, but he dropped his cherry from full standing height and cringed as it fell toward her wide open mouth in a perfect trajectory. Shit! Why did this chick have to have a mouth like Steven Tyler? It was like dropping the cherry into a kiddie pool.

The cherry hit her tooth and for a second he thought it might bounce out of the gaping orifice. But no, in it went. The riveted crowd cheered.

His stomach dropped into his shoes.

Well, fuck. Now what was he supposed to do?

“That was a close one!” Steve said, coming over to pound Logan on the back. “But I won again. You suck at this!”

Wait? He’d lost? Woo hoo!

Uh, he meant damn. How had he lost? He’d been so far ahead before that first cherry had gotten away from him.

“I’ll get you next time,” Logan said, punching Steve in the shoulder several times.

Steve leaned in close to Logan’s ear. “You would have won this time if you weren’t so pussy whipped.”

Logan shoved his laughing opponent out of his face. “Whatever.”

He was relieved when Steve left with his two happy prizes. No one else would bother him about his disinterest in chasing skirts tonight. He thought about going back to the bus and crawling into bed with Toni, but even the small dose of coke he’d snorted made him way too fucking hyper. He’d never be able to sleep and would disturb her rest. So he burned off some of his excess energy by making an ass of himself on the dance floor. And then he burned off some more by talking like an auctioneer to anyone who would listen and to several people who weren’t listening. By the time he finally settled down, the bar was mostly empty and it was well after three a.m. Normally the cops would have come to make everyone go home after two. But police tended to look the other way when Exodus End was out on the town. Unless Steve stirred up a fight or someone was rushed to the hospital with alcohol poisoning or a drug overdose. Such things didn’t happen as much as they used to. The band members were slowing down now that they were all in their thirties.

“We’re like a bunch of old ladies,” Logan said to a lamp post as he stumbled back toward the bus.

One of the security team stopped him from walking into a fire hydrant. “I got this,” he assured the guy and patted him on the chest. “Do you think Toni is sleeping?”

“I don’t know, sir,” the man said. He had a buzz cut and deeply tanned skin. But Logan mostly noticed his yellow shirt. That meant he was one of Logan’s own and he could trust him. “It is very late.”

“I think I’ll wake her up.” He lifted his T-shirt to his nose and sniffed. “Does this smell like women’s perfume?” He offered the shoulder area of his T-shirt to the security guard, who was now walking beside him with his arms out, as if trying to save a toddler from falling on the cement and cracking open his skull. Perhaps Logan was stumbling to his left. But just a little. “Smell it. Smell it.”

The guy took a whiff. “Yes, sir. It does smell like perfume.”

“Shit. She’s going to think I’ve been messing around with other women. I didn’t though.” He patted the guy’s arm. “Why didn’t I?”

“I don’t know, sir.”

“Fuck it.” Logan stripped his T-shirt off over his head and tossed it on the ground. “Burn that,” he said.

“Yes, sir.”

Another of the security team that was trailing Logan picked up the discarded shirt.

“I’m tired.” Logan felt himself fading. He just hoped he blacked out on something softer than Copyright 2016 - 2024