Insider - Olivia Cunning Page 0,84

not sure how anyone would willingly give up partying with over a dozen rock stars to hang out on a boring tour bus.

Once outside, Toni sucked in a deep breath of the cool night air.

“I’m going back inside,” he said. “Can you make it to the bus by yourself?”

She glanced across the parking lot to where the bus was parked under a collection of street lights. “Yeah.”

He kissed her cheek, knowing that if he drew her into his arms and kissed her the passionate way he wanted to kiss her, everyone would mistake her for his girlfriend. “I’ll see you later, okay?”

She stared up into his eyes for a long moment as if she wanted to say something, but turned away instead. “Good night.”

She was a couple of yards away when he nodded at the nearest security guard so he’d follow her and keep her safe from the drunks in the parking lot. She started when she noticed the yellow shirt trailing behind her, but she offered him a timid smile and continued toward the bus.

Ensured of Toni’s safety, Logan returned to the bar.

“About time he ditched the stiff,” Logan heard Steve yell as soon as he got inside. “I thought maybe he was too pussy whipped to have any real fun tonight.”

Pussy whipped? Please.

“Sorry to keep you waiting,” Logan said, lifting a hand toward the bar and finding it immediately filled with his usual drink—a Godfather. He chugged it in two gulps and extended his arm for a refill.

“This is Candace,” Steve introduced the gorgeous blonde on his right. “And Tonya,” He nodded to the equally gorgeous black woman on his left. “Oh, and you met Stacia earlier.” The same brunette Steve had banged backstage. She must be exceptional if he hadn’t ditched her yet.

“Ladies,” Logan said, lifting his fresh cocktail in their direction.

After the hi’s and great-to-meet-yous, Stacia moved to stand so close to Logan that her breast was pressed firmly into his arm. “What are you having?” she asked, eyeing his drink. Her perfume assailed his nostrils, and his nose twitched.

“If he had half a brain, he’d be having you,” Steve said and lifted his glass at her.

If he hadn’t just finished with Toni, yeah, it probably would have been Stacia. But he felt absolutely no interest in her, and he could only attribute his disinterest to having already had sex a handful of times that day. With the same woman. Which rarely happened.

“It’s a Godfather,” Logan said. “Scotch and amaretto.”

“Can I taste it?”

Knowing he could have as many as he wanted, he handed his drink to Stacia. She lifted it to her ruby lips and sipped, her eyes smoldering into his as she licked the rim of his glass. “Mmm,” she purred.

Okay, normally if a hot woman pressed her tit into his arm and made out with the glass he’d just sipped from while producing those kinds of sounds and offering him come over here and fuck me glances, his dick would have been bursting through the zipper of his jeans. But he didn’t feel so much as a tingle down below. There was some weird shit going down here. He must be getting old or something.

“It’s good, right?” Logan said.

“Strong,” she murmured. She rubbed her boob into his arm as she turned toward him and tried to hand the lowball glass back to him.

“You keep that one,” he said, extending a hand toward the bar for a fresh drink.

Reagan appeared unexpectedly beside him and practically shoved Stacia to the floor in her quest to get in next to him. Definitely some weird shit going down here. Reagan had never come on to him before. And it soon became apparent that she wasn’t coming on to him now as she jabbered about the concert and how she’d twisted her ankle in her damned high-heeled boots and how she wasn’t going to wear them anymore. She was going to wear her combat boots. Fuck Sam’s idea of feminine beauty. Blah blah blah. Eventually Stacia got tired of standing behind Reagan and making huffing sounds with her arms crossed. She wandered off to find less annoying company.

“Cock block,” Reagan whispered in Logan’s ear and then danced away.

What did she mean by that?

He glanced over at Steve, who was making out with the two women he’d introduced earlier. Hell if Logan could remember either of their names. Normally Steve’s behavior would have gotten Logan in the mood to one-up his bro and make out with three women at once, Copyright 2016 - 2024