Insatiable (Steel Brothers Saga #12) - Helen Hardt Page 0,56


Perhaps some memories are better left buried.

The thought speared into my head in my father’s voice.

“Fuck you,” I said aloud.

I forced him out of my head. It felt good. Damned good.

This cabin wasn’t even in my father’s name. It belonged to a company called Tamajor Corporation. Not a name I’d heard of, though I’d looked it up. Tamajor was a village development committee in a small district of Nepal. What was a village development committee? I still had no clear idea after reading up on it.

Not that it mattered. It wasn’t incorporated in Colorado. It was a Delaware corporation, and its registered agent was a woman named Laura Clarke, who had recently passed away from colon cancer. Nothing else was available, so I’d given the information to Joe to give to Mills and Johnson.

Nothing so far.

Joe checked in with the PIs once every day, and so far, the best PIs in the business hadn’t uncovered anything we didn’t already know.

Which was strange.

Because they were the best PIs in the business.

“Damn it, Dad,” I said aloud. “What are you hiding here? What the hell are you hiding?”

I didn’t expect an answer.

So I jerked in surprise, nearly jumping out of my boots and falling through the joists, when I got one.

Chapter Forty-Two


“You did well,” Ruby said, after swallowing a bite of her hamburger. “You’re a natural, which doesn’t surprise me, given your brothers are all excellent shots.”

“Thanks. Bryce wanted to come today, but I asked him not to.”


I laughed. “It’s really silly. I didn’t want him to see me screw it up.”

She joined in my laughter. “I never would have guessed. You seem so put together all the time. So full of self-esteem.”

Wow. What a crock. My scar itched. So put together? So full of self-esteem? Right.

“I’m just used to being judged by my father and brothers,” I said. It wasn’t a lie. It just wasn’t the whole truth. “They’re harsh critics, so I’ve learned to be good at anything I try before I make it known.”

“I can understand that. Ryan’s quite the perfectionist, especially where his wines are concerned. I’ve seen him chuck an entire barrel if it’s not perfect. I’m learning, but I swear, the barrel he most recently tossed tasted delicious to me.”

“All of his wines are great,” I said. “He’s the most creative of all of us.”

“Don’t sell yourself short. Cooking is another form of creativity.”

Hmm. I’d never thought of myself as creative. I didn’t draw, didn’t write, didn’t do any crafts. Cooking? I almost never followed a recipe as written. Yeah, it was creative.

I’d always assumed Ryan’s creativity came from his mother, since Talon, Joe, and I hadn’t inherited it. But maybe we had some creativity as well.

“How long until I qualify for a concealed carry?” I asked.

“You need to complete the required training. As an ex-cop, I’m a qualified instructor, so I’ll sign off when you’re ready. It won’t be too long. Like I said, you’re a natural.”

I smiled. “Cool. It’s very important to me that I’m able to take care of myself. I can’t always depend on my brothers and Bryce to be there for me.”

“Every one of them will always be there for you, but I get it. I like being able to take care of myself.”

Ruby had the most fit body I’d ever seen on a woman in real life. Even Jade’s mother, ex-supermodel Brooke Bailey, couldn’t compare. Feminine, but lean and muscular and strong. She’d been on her own since she escaped her father’s rape attempt at fifteen. There was a lot to admire about my pretty sister-in-law.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you,” I said. “As a cop, have you come up with any insight into Cade Booker? He seems to be acting almost randomly.”

“Like I’ve said before, there’s usually a system to a psychopath that experienced cops can see, but you’re right. Booker’s an anomaly.”

“You know who we should ask?”

“Melanie,” Ruby said. “I agree. We’re pretty close to the hospital.”

“Joe won’t want us to bother her.”

“Baby Brad is doing well,” Ruby said. “There’s no reason for Melanie to be upset about anything. And what your big brother doesn’t know…”

“…won’t hurt him.” I smiled. “Of course, it’s Saturday, and he’s probably at the hospital with Mel.”

“Only one way to find out.” Ruby stood.

Baby Brad had gained five ounces since his birth, and his skin was pink with a healthy glow. I kissed his little cheek before handing him back to the nurse to get his vitals.

“You just missed Joe,” Melanie said. “He Copyright 2016 - 2024