Insatiable (Steel Brothers Saga #12) - Helen Hardt Page 0,51

sure the boys got their homework finished and got to bed.

Were we right? Was Cade Booker Justin Valente? It sure all added up. I took out my phone and logged on to Joe’s and my secret account with the Spider, who apparently had never existed.

Nothing. Not even another Gotcha.

Not that I expected to find anything.

My mind flew to the encrypted emails I’d found in the trash bin several days ago. Someone had been communicating with Cade on this account…and it hadn’t been Joe or me.

The trash bin was now empty.

My phone dinged with a text, an Iowa number.

This is Dominic. Can you

meet me in town? We need

to talk. Come alone.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


I was packing up an overnight bag to take to the guesthouse when my phone dinged with a text from Colin again, responding to the photos of the cufflinks I’d sent.

Not sure if they’re mine,

honestly. I haven’t looked at

them in years.

When are you coming

back to Snow Creek?

I have business with

my father.

Are you going to ask him about…?

Not sure.

If you’re staying in his house,

you need to take care of this.

I’m not. I’m heading to our

condo in Glenwood Springs.

Looking for a place. And a job.

Good for you, but we need

you to help us figure this

whole thing out.

Silence for a while, until he finally responded.

I can’t do this anymore. I have

to heal. I have to face the reality

of my life now. I can’t help you.

My fingers hovered over the tiny keyboard as I thought about how to respond. I could hardly blame him for wanting out. After all, our fight wasn’t his fight. His beef was with his father. Well, his father and Tom Simpson, but Simpson was dead.

Thanks for looking

for the cufflinks.

No problem. Give Jade my

best. And tell her I’m sorry.

For what?


I threw the phone on my bed just as it dinged with another text.

This time from Bryce.

I have to go into town for

a while. I’ll text you when

I’m home.

Oh, hell, no.

What for?

Not sure yet. Dominic

wants to meet me.

Then I’m coming with you.

He said to come alone.

Do you think I care?

Let me do this. I’m armed,

and I can take care of myself.

We’ll be in a public place.

I was in a public place when

he drugged me, remember?

A few seconds before the dots began moving.


Let me do this. I’ll get

back as soon as I can.

I sighed.

Fine. But I’m pissed.

I know. I love you. Trust me.

I love you too.

God, I did. I just hoped he wasn’t walking into some kind of trap.

My first instinct was to call Joe, but he was heading into Grand Junction to see the baby and spend the night with Melanie at the hotel suite. Talon and Jade had the boys to consider. That left Ryan and Ruby. Would they know what to do?

I was poised and ready to hit Ryan’s number when Bryce’s words struck me.

Trust me.

Did I trust him?

Yes, I did.

I wasn’t sure I trusted Dominic, though.

But Dominic hadn’t hurt me.

Still, had I been able to defend myself, I’d have gotten away.

My brothers all knew how to shoot a gun, and they were good at it. Especially Joe and Talon. I needed to learn. The idea scared me more than a little, but it was something I needed to do.

But ask my brothers to teach me?

No way. They wouldn’t do it, anyway, and even if they did, I’d have to deal with all their Alpha bullshit.

I had a sister-in-law who was a former police detective and a crack shot. I’d ask Ruby.

I sent her a quick text.

She texted back.

As it happens, I’m going to

the shooting range tomorrow.

You can come with me, and I’ll

show you the basics.

I smiled.

It’s a date.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


I insisted on meeting in the park. That it was the place where he’d taken Marj was no coincidence. I also frisked him, even checking his crotch, which wasn’t fun, but his brother had been carrying there. Dominic was armed, of course, and I insisted he remove his gun and set it down on the bench. I did the same.

“All right, then,” I said. “What do you want?”

“There’s someone who wants to meet you.”


“I can’t tell you who, but he’s only a text away. Are you willing?”

“You’re nuts.” I picked up my gun and placed it back in the ankle holster. “You said we needed to talk. Not that I needed to talk to anyone else.”

“I’m not here to make any trouble,” he said. “I’m being well paid to ask you if you’ll talk to this person.”

“I won’t talk to anyone unless you tell me who it is.”

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