Insatiable (Cloverleigh Farms #3) - Melanie Harlow Page 0,42

returned, I propped myself up and looked down at her. “You okay?”

Her eyes were closed, but they popped wide open. “No. I really don’t think I am. But it’s a good thing.”

She was fucking adorable—flushed cheeks, messy hair, swollen lips. Her expression a mix of self-satisfaction and awe. “You’re beautiful, you know.”

The pink in her complexion deepened. “Stop.”

“I’m serious. You’re fucking beautiful.”

“You’re just saying that because your dick is still inside me.”

“I will admit, that is something I’m very happy about, but it’s not why I’m telling you what I see. It’s the truth.”

A smile made her lips curve slowly, like she was really letting my words sink in. “Thank you. I feel beautiful right now.”

“Good.” I pressed my lips to her forehead. “Can you stay? Or will you be in trouble if you miss curfew?”

She laughed. “Thankfully, I no longer have a curfew. Do you want me to stay? I know you have to get up early for work. I don’t want to be a bother.”

“Fuck off, Sawyer. I wouldn’t have asked you if I didn’t want you to stay. But I can drive you home right now if you’d rather.”

She took my face in her hands. “I’ll stay.”

“Good.” I kissed her lips. “Let me take Renzo out one last time, and I’ll be right back.”


Carefully pulling out of her, I grabbed a pair of sweatpants, stopped in the bathroom to clean up a little, then let my poor dog out of his room. He was all agitated, probably because he’d heard all the noise, and wanted, of course, to race up to my bedroom and see what all the fuss had been about. But I’d spare Meg from a second animal jumping all over her tonight, shepherding Renzo right outside. After we came back in, I made sure to shut and lock the back door.

When I got back upstairs, the bathroom door opened and Meg stood there, looking very naked and a little sheepish. “Do you happen to have an extra toothbrush?”

“Sure. Bottom drawer on the right.”


While she brushed her teeth, I made sure my room was clean, although I kept things pretty neat and tidy in there—old Army habits die hard. Then I ran downstairs again for two bottles of water, ignoring Renzo’s dramatic whines, and hurrying back up to set one on each nightstand. Would she need anything else? It had been so long since I’d had a woman in my bed—for any length of time, let alone all night—that I couldn’t think. I was turning down the blankets when she came in. My heart pounded double time.

“Hi,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Now you’re shy?” I teased her. “After breaking into my house to spy on me in the shower?”

“I didn’t break in! And I’m not shy, I’m just . . .” Her arms fell to her side. “Not used to someone looking at me naked with the lights on.”

“Can’t say I’m sorry about that. But here, will this help?” I ditched my sweats and tossed them onto a chair. “Now I’m naked with the lights on too.”

She smiled and nodded. “Yeah. It does.”

Instinctively, we moved for each other, as if pulled by magnetic force. She looped her arms around my waist and pressed her cheek to my chest, and I wrapped her up in my arms, resting my lips on her head. We stayed like that, skin to skin, for a solid minute without saying anything.

Then she looked up at me. “I love your body. It’s perfect.”

“Then we’re even.”

“You’re much more muscular than you were in high school.”

“I fucking hope so. I was a bean pole back then.”

“And you have hair on your chest.”

“As every man fucking should.”

She smiled before planting a kiss over my heart. “I also really like your ass.”

“What a coincidence.” I moved my hands down to her butt and squeezed. My dick was showing signs of recovery already, swelling against her hip.

“Should we go to bed?” she asked, her voice a little huskier.

“Definitely. I’ll be right in.” I ran into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, and by the time I came back into my bedroom, she’d turned off the lights and slipped between the sheets.

I shut the door, set my alarm, and crawled into bed. At the same time I reached for her, she nestled in closer, tucking herself along the side of my body with one palm on my stomach. I lay on my back, one arm draped around her shoulders and the other hand stroking Copyright 2016 - 2024