Insatiable (Cloverleigh Farms #3) - Melanie Harlow Page 0,18

time we were here, I heard him say ‘the dispatch desk at the station was a real shit show this week.’”

“Shit show,” Ethan piped up.

I burst out laughing as my sister glared at me. Asher laughed too.

“Sorry,” I told her, deciding to change the subject. “So guess who’s coming to town this week?”

“Who?” My mother poured Asher some orange juice.

“Meg Sawyer.”

“Ooooh, the one that got away,” Nina teased.

“Got away from what?” Violet asked.

“From Uncle Noah.”

“Why’d she want to get away?”

My sister smirked. “Can’t you smell him?”

I shoved the rest of my toast in my mouth. “Don’t listen to her, Violet. Meg is just a friend of mine. Although I did save her life once.”

My niece gasped, suitably impressed. “You did?”

“I did,” I replied, puffing up my chest and beating one fist on it.

My sister rolled her eyes. “Don’t even pretend you weren’t in love with her. I used to spy on you guys watching TV in the basement. I was always positive I’d catch you kissing.”

“Never,” I said, proud of myself all over again. “Because I am a gentleman.”

“Who’d kiss a girl anyway?” Harrison made a face. “Girls are disgusting.”

“Give it a few years, buddy,” I said.

My mother sighed loudly. “Such a sweet girl. I just adored her. And from such a nice family. I wish you would have been in love with her, even if she’s not Catholic. Maybe I’d have your wedding picture on the mantel by now . . .” She glanced into the living room with sad eyes.

“Maybe it’s not too late, Mom. If she’s still single.” Nina wrinkled her nose. “And if Noah buys some good deodorant.”

“Okay, enough,” I said. “I’m sorry I mentioned her.”

“Is she single?” my mother asked, her voice full of hope.

“I’m not sure,” I lied.

“When’s she coming?” Nina asked. “Oh, is it for her sister’s wedding?”

I nodded and took a bite of eggs. “Yeah, but I forget which sister.”

“Frannie. The youngest.” Nina wiped Ethan’s mouth with a napkin. “She’s a client at the salon. The wedding is Saturday.”

I shrugged. “That sounds right.”

“Maybe you could take Meg to the wedding,” my mother suggested.

“No,” I said emphatically. “We’re just going to hang out. Grab a beer or something.”

Another long, sad sigh. “Well, don’t wear that shirt. And bring her by if you can. I’d love to say hello.”

“I’ll try,” I said, although the last thing I wanted was to bring Meg over here so my mother could ask a bunch of personal questions in order to assess her romantic availability, and then make all kinds of ridiculous comments about my sad, lonely heart. I didn’t need to hear it.

My dick might have been a little sad and lonely, but my heart was doing just fine.

After brunch, I hung around a while longer, playing with the kids in the yard, raking the front and back lawn for my mom, and taking a slow walk around the block with Asher and Renzo. He managed it without the walker, which made me happy, and I told him I’d come by this week and we’d do it again. “Sound good?”

“Yes,” he said, breathing hard. Then he indicated he wanted me to come to his room. When we got there, he sat on the bed and pulled his SGD onto his lap.

“I remember Meg,” he said. “Does she still watch true crime shows?”

I smiled at my brother. “I think she does.”

“She was always so nice.”

“Maybe I’ll bring her by to say hi.”

“She was pretty too.”

“Yes, she was.”

His eyes took on a mischievous look. “I bet she still is.”

“Bye, Ash.” I punched him gently on the shoulder and walked out.

After leaving my mom’s, I headed for home, where I spent the rest of the day painting my garage door while Renzo peed on every tree he could find and tried to get me to play fetch with him.

Eventually he gave up and went inside to sulk, and I finished up the second coat. I was rinsing my hands with the hose when I heard a car door slam behind me. Shutting off the water, I turned around and saw a woman walking up my driveway. I squinted at her as I dried my hands on my shirt. Light brown hair loose around her shoulders. Sunglasses. Medium height. Wearing jeans, sneakers, and a black T-shirt that said My Favorite Murder on the front.

“Sawyer?” I said in disbelief.

Breaking into a huge grin, she started to run.

I was still standing there in shock when she barreled into me, throwing her arms around Copyright 2016 - 2024