Ink's Second Chance - Carol Dawn Page 0,8

I read it and see red.

“We may not have a choice,” I tell the room. All of my brothers finally arrived and are in the living room watching the scene unfold. “Prez, we’re going to have to go into lockdown. Shit just got real.”

Bear’s face is grim as he nods with determination.

“Let’s get everything prepared,” Bear says. “Time to protect our family.”

I glance back down to Rachel whose face has gone blank.

“If someone could please get this dang tongue off of my lap, I would really like to shower and go home.”

I look down and sure enough, a human tongue is sitting right on her leg. We get the tongue back in the container and Laura helps Rachel into the bathroom.

Rachel is about to be naked only feet away from me. What a wonderful sight that would be.

My jeans become tight for the first time in over a week.

Fuck no, junior. We don’t get hard for only a single person.

But I’d be lying if I said the thought of waking up to Rachel every single morning isn’t something that I’ve been thinking about since she walked into my shop.

Damn it all to hell.

Chapter Six


“Rachel, please reconsider,” Laura says for the fifth time.

The club is going into lockdown and that means that they bring in their family. I guess it only happens when something dangerous could happen and that’s understandable.

What I don’t understand is why this woman won’t leave me alone about it.

“Laura, I have no affiliation with that club,” I repeat. “I’m perfectly safe here in the outside world. Not a single soul is going to connect me to any of you.”

It takes another half an hour to finally convince Laura that I will be fine. She can be a pain in the butt from time to time. But I love her for it.

I pull my chair up to my work desk and power up my computer. Might as well get some work done. I’m not sure how much time passes when there’s a knock at my door.

“Coming,” I yell.

When I get to the door I reach up for the handle and swing it open.

“You didn’t check to see who it was.”

“I thought you were in lockdown?” I ask the grumpy looking Sammy. “And how do you know where I live?”

“I followed you home the other night,” he admits. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“It wasn’t a question,” I say, rolling my eyes, not a bit surprised by his answer. “But, to acknowledge your statement, the peephole is way up there, and I am way down here. And I’m not sure if you noticed or not, but my legs don’t work anymore.”

“You could have simply asked who it was,” he says, inviting himself into my apartment.

“And ruin the surprise?” I say sarcastically. “What fun would that be?”

I watch as Sammy makes his way around my apartment as if he owns the place.

“Is there something I can help you with, Sam?” I ask, aggravated, as he noses through my cabinets.

“Why aren’t you at the club?” he asks.

Sammy turns and leans on the kitchen counter, arms and legs crossed.

“What reason would I have to be there?” I ask confused.

“Like you said, we’re in lockdown.”

“What is it with you and Laura all of a sudden?” I ask. “Neither of you have ever involved me in club issues before. Why now?”

“There’s shit going down and you could be in danger just like the rest of us.”

Sighing, I go to the fridge and grab a water. I’m getting a headache and I need my freaking drugs if I have to deal with this man a minute longer.

“Listen, Ink, just go back to your family and your women and let me live my life in peace,” I beg. “I have nothing to do with your club so there is no danger to me. The only connection I even have to it is Laura and she is only connected because of her brother.”

“Let’s get a few things straight,” a very pissed off man says. “First off, everyone else calls me Ink. You call me, Sammy. Got it?”

Electricity shoots through my core at how sexy he sounds. Damn traitorous body.

I nod.

“Second, you are connected to the club through Laura and through me. So, yes, there is a danger to you. Now, go pack your shit and let’s go.”

My hands automatically go to my wheels to do as Sammy demanded but my rational brain finally kicks in and I stop.

“I’m not going anywhere with you, Sam,” I say. “I wouldn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024