Ink's Second Chance - Carol Dawn Page 0,6

says, reading over our family’s names. “Chains, how many kids does your sister have?”

“Three,” Chains answers. “Two girls and a boy.”

“So, that’s eight kids total,” Wolf says. “Eight little souls that someone has threatened to kill right before our eyes.”

Wolf stands and punches the table. I’ve never seen the man lose his cool. I don’t even think I’ve ever heard him swear before. He’s so calm. But his reaction is understandable. His sister and her son are as part of this threat as everyone else.

“It won’t get to that,” Bear promises. “Let’s sit down and make plans on how to keep our family safe. The way Ink said it was wrong, but what he said wasn’t. Our family does make us vulnerable. But that’s a vulnerability that I accept with open arms. We just need to show these assholes that messing with the Sons family is a big fucking mistake.”

Everyone cheers and I smile.

Fucking saps.

“I found a working camera feed,” Slim says, interrupting the cheer. “But you can’t see who it is.”

Slim does his magic and projects his computer screen to the big screen tv we have mounted on the wall.

“You can clearly see someone walking up to Bear’s bike the second he walks into the store,” Slim says. “But the person is wearing a gray hoodie and there’s no way to get any discerning details from this angle.”

“It’s definitely a male,” Trigger says.

“Agreed,” Chains adds. “His shoulders are too wide, and his walk is screaming male.”

“That’s the only camera I could get,” Slim says dejectedly. “None of the other buildings had any security.”

“That’s alright,” I tell him. “That’s more information than we had a few minutes ago.”

I get rewarded with a smile and I feel good knowing Slim’s earlier hostility towards me has passed.

“Alright,” Bear says. “We’ve gone over everything we can for now. Go home and call your families. Let them know what’s going on and keep a lookout for anything suspicious. Supplying them with information gives them a better chance than if they knew nothing at all.”

Once we’re dismissed, I hop up and head towards the door. I’m determined to get my dick wet tonight. I need a distraction from everything so that I can come back tomorrow completely focused.

“Mother fucker,” Chains yells. “I have five missed calls from my sister.”

“Call her back now,” Bear says. “From now on, no more muted cells during church until we figure this shit out.”

“Laura,” Chains says frantically. “What’s wrong?”

We wait in tense silence while she answers.

“Slow down, I can’t understand you.”

Chains pulls the phone from his ear and pushes the speaker button.

“And when I opened it… Blake, there was blood everywhere. It was on… and it covered.”

“We’ll be there in fifteen minutes, sweetheart,” Bear says. “Just try and stay calm. Where are the babies?”

“Th…they’re staying with some friends for the night,” Laura says. “Brad went to help his grandfather, so he isn’t here either.”

“Alright sis,” Chains says softly. “We’ll be there soon.”

“Please hurry,” Laura whispers before hanging up.

Sorry junior. Looks like you’re not getting wet after all. Not that you would have cooperated anyway, you little fuck.

Chapter Five


“I see that Brad doesn’t skimp on the good stuff,” I say, sipping my wine.

Laura laughs and pours her second glass.

“Girl, he knows better,” she says. “My wine is the only luxury I allow myself. Between my three kids and my clients, cheap wine won’t do shit for me.”

“I could only imagine,” I admit. “I spend my time behind a computer screen designing websites. I don’t have to deal with a single person face-to-face.”

“Lucky bitch.”

“Tell me about it,” I laugh. “You’re the only person I actually like. Well, you, Brad, and the kids. The rest of the world are jerks.”

“Including Ink?”

“Ink who?” I ask, trying to sound ignorant.

“Don’t try and act stupid,” she says, catching my game. “I see how you pay extra close attention whenever I bring him up in conversation. Why do you think I do it more than the other bikers for?”

I stare at her shocked.

“You are one evil woman,” I say.

She tosses her head back, laughing.

A knock on the door interrupts our fun.

“Who is it?” Laura yells.

“You have a peephole,” I say. “And you can actually reach it.”

Laura’s eyes widen and she says, “Have you ever seen those horror movies where someone looks through the peephole only to be shot or have a giant needle shoved into their eye?”

“Uhm, no?”

“FedEx,” someone says from outside. “I have a package.

Laura opens the door and accepts a medium-sized box.

“Thank you,” she tells Copyright 2016 - 2024