Ink's Second Chance - Carol Dawn Page 0,46

here for a reason so let’s get this meeting started.”

I grab a beer from the fridge and make myself comfortable.

“As you all know, I’ve been spending my life monitoring any and all signals coming to and from the Hernández compound. The first thing I noticed is that they order a lot, and I mean a crap ton, of frozen pizzas.”

“I don’t think their food preferences are going to help us much,” Hawk teases.

“I know that, big guy,” Slim smiles. “I just wanted you all to know that my addiction to popcorn is nothing compared to their frozen pizza addiction.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” I say. “You can go through a truckload of popcorn in a week.”

“And you don’t share,” Trigger growls.

“Anyway, I also noticed that there are next to no females inside the compound.”

“How do you know that for sure?” Bear asks.

Slim pulls out his laptop and taps away.

“For some stupid reason, they have a roster online of every single member inside that gate.”

Slim turns his computer around showing us the list of every member of the Hernández Cartel.

“There has to be hundreds of names there,” I say.

“Five-hundred and seventy to be exact,” Slim explains. “They’re not all there at the same time, usually only up to fifty, but they’re all listed. And of that five-hundred and seventy names, there is only one female. A baby named Gabby. From what I gathered, one of the men who live on the property is a single parent and they let his daughter stay there with him.”

“While this information is odd, what good is it going to do for Rachel?” I ask, trying not to sound frustrated.

“Patience grasshopper,” Slim jokes. “Anyway, a little over an hour ago, a doctor’s appointment was booked for someone inside the compound. The person isn’t listed by name, but we do know where and when they’re going to be.”

Slim pauses.

“While this person isn’t listed by name, it is listed that it’s a woman in her late twenties.”

“We have our in,” Bear exclaims.

“Yes,” I agree. “But why the fuck does she need to see a doctor?”

“As hard as it is,” Hawk says calmly. “We need to not think about that and focus on how to contact her.”

“I have an idea,” Wolf says. “Slim, do you have any device small enough for her to hide?”

Slim nods.

“Okay,” Wolf continues. “They’ve never seen my face before, so I can take the small device and find a way to hand it off to Miss Rachel while she’s at the Doctor’s office.”

“Why not just grab her then?” Slim asks.

“It could get them both killed,” I explain. “Plus, as much as I hate this part, we need Rachel inside to help us find a way in and end this fucking family.”

“I’ll do my best to explain things to Miss Rachel when I see her,” Wolf says. “If she is not on board with our plan, I will get her out of there one way or another.”

I nod my head. It kills me to let another man go to her side when I know where she’s going to be. But Carlos knows my face.

We sit down and make our plans. Rachel’s appointment is tomorrow morning at eight. It’s going to take everything I have to keep myself from barging into that building, killing every mother fucker in my way, and taking my woman back.

I’ll be on standby in case Rachel tells Wolf that she wants out now. I’ll be right there waiting for her, just in case.

“It’s almost time, sister,” Bella says quietly. “We’re so close to bringing you home.”

I look up and smile at the beautiful Bella holding her handsome son. Chains dropped his family off here before he left.

The sacrifices my family has been making to help me get my woman back warms my heart are many.

I’ll never be able to repay them.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I haven’t been able to move around for a few days now. Each night, as promised, Mike comes into my cell and whips my back.

I got a look at what he’s been beating me with the other day. The handle was just a little bigger than Mike’s hand, brown, smooth, and looked like wood. Protruding from the handle are long thin bits of brown leather.

I remember Mike laughing when he saw my face. He told me that it was his siete rayas amigo, which he translated for me to mean Seven stripped friend.

Every night, after my ten strikes, Carlos comes back and asks me the same question.

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