Ink's Second Chance - Carol Dawn Page 0,44

be going now. See you later, sobrinos.”

Carlos picks me up and carries me back to his car. He’s handling me gently and I don’t like it. I don’t want to have any soft feelings towards this man. I know the second he decides to, I’ll be thrown to the wolves.

I can’t trust him, no matter how kind he’s acting. He’s the devil disguised as an angel and I need to never forget that.

“I’ve been thinking,” he tells me as he’s backing out of the driveway. “Your inability to submit to me might have its merits.”

“Is that so?”

“Absolutely,” he chuckles. “I rather enjoy the sass that comes out of your mouth.”

“Where are you taking me?” I ask, ignoring his comment.

“Home, mi Reina,” he says, calling me his queen again. “Where we can get to know one another a bit better.”

My eyes roll at his words before I can stop them.

“I know all that I need to know about you, Carlos. So, if you would be so kind as to let me out right here, I would appreciate it.”

“As much as I enjoy your sass,” He says, voice dropping. “You would be wise to filter what comes out of those lips. I have no qualms about having you beaten.”

“Of that, I have no doubt,” I admit. “But you need to realize that I will never submit to you. No matter how many times you have me beaten or violated. I’m simply going to be a waste of your energy. Just kill me. I’d rather be dead than be considered your queen, anyway.”

Carlos doesn’t say anything more as he drives us to this compound he’s talking about. It takes less than thirty minutes to arrive.

I can see why it’s called a compound. It looks like a prison. The building is very large. I can’t see very many windows, but I can tell that the building was probably an old factory of some sort. The property is surrounded by a tall, barbed wired fence that looks impossible to climb.

The rising sun gives the image an almost beautiful glow.

We stop in front of the gate and wait as two people push open the metal doors. The fear slams into my chest because I know that once I’m inside of this fence, I’m never leaving.

We drive through the now opened gate and when I hear the final click of the heavy doors closing, I let my tears fall.

“Now, now,” Carlos says softly. “No need to cry, my dear, as long as you obey, you are going to love your new life.”

“That’s the problem,” I admit. “I have absolutely no intentions of obeying a single thing you say.”

Carlos chuckles.

“You will, mi Reina. You won’t have a choice in the matter.”

I don’t respond. It would be useless.

Carlos stops in front of the building.

“I bought a wheelchair for you,” Carlos says. “I also came here to prepare the place for your arrival. That’s why I was gone so long. I think you will be satisfied.”

He leaves the car and walks around to my side. My first thought is to lock the door. But what good would that do? Not only does he have the keys in his hands, but I would simply be stuck inside the car until someone broke a window and forced me out.

Carlos picks me up and carries me inside the building. I look around horrified.

My first assumption was correct. This is an old prison. There are prison cells lining the walls of the hallway we’re currently in.

“Until I can trust you, you will be living here,” he tells me. “When you learn to submit to my authority and accept your role by my side, I will have you moved to my floor. Trust me, it’s much roomier and nicer than this one.”

He takes me inside the very last cell in the hallway and places me in a child sized wheelchair.

“This was the only chair available on such short notice,” he tells me. “It’s a bit small but it gets the job done. I’ve had an actual bed brought in, along with a television and some movies. There’s a working toilet over in the corner. If you need help, just let someone know.”

I remain silent as he backs out of my new prison and locks me inside.

“This is for your own good,” he tells me. “I never wanted to resort to this, but I know that you’ll give me a hard time if I let you roam around.”

He’s not wrong. I hated the man before but Copyright 2016 - 2024