Ink's Second Chance - Carol Dawn Page 0,4

body is lean and bulky and the white shirt that he’s wearing under his club’s vest is too tight around his arms. Arms that are covered in tattoos.

I find myself wondering how many tattoos he has hidden under that shirt.

“Did I stutter?” he asks, snapping me out of my daydream. “Get gone.”

I turn my head back around just in time to watch the two women quickly walk away.

I’m torn. I want to thank him, and throat punch him at the same time. Instead, I move forward and grab a loaf of bread before turning around.

“Thank you for your help,” I say. “Now, please, leave me alone.”

I wheel my chair around him and head for a register. My stomach is rolling so much from nerves that I feel like I’m about to throw up.

What the hell is wrong with me? It’s been roughly twelve years since Sammy ruined my life. I should be over it by now. But I’ve never been able to let it go. I’ve never been able to let him go.

Which is why I’ve never let myself get involved in another relationship. That’s right, Sammy was the first and last person I’ve ever had sex with.

How pathetic am I?

“Rachel, wait.”

Risking the bread and lunch meat from falling off my lap, I push my wheels harder to get further away from him. I can’t deal with him right now.

I manage to make my way to the register and pay for my food. I’m almost outside of the store when I feel someone grab my chair from behind and give it a solid push.

I wheel around and glare at the man occupying my thoughts.

“Why did you do that?”

“There was a small rise near the door,” he says, smirking. “I figured you would need help getting over it.”

Oh, the nerve.

“Did I ask you for help?” I ask. “Did it look like I was struggling to get through the door?”

“Well, no,” he says, smirk gone. “I just assumed it would have been difficult.”

“Well, your assumptions were incorrect,” I assure him. “Thank you for your help with those women, but I don’t need you to help me with anything else.”

“How are you getting home?” He asks.

Can he not see how uncomfortable I am around him? How can he not see the hurt in my eyes? I just want to go home and forget I ever saw him again.

“I don’t live far,” I explain. “I’ll be fine.”

“Let me take you home.”

“Please, Sammy,” I beg. “Please, just go. Just leave me alone.”

As hard as I try to fight it, I lose the battle and a single tear tracks its way down my face.

Sammy notices it and his expression changes.

“I really fucked up with you,” he says.

I look him in the eyes for a few seconds before turning and heading home. I wasn’t lying. I really don’t live far. I make it home in ten minutes. I put the food away and decide to take a nap.

I’m no longer craving that turkey sandwich. I just feel completely drained. Physically and emotionally.

If I never see Sam again, it will be too soon.

But, at the same time, I want him to wrap me in his arms and tell me that I’m not alone. Just like he did the night he took my heart all those years ago.

Right before he obliterated it.

Just as I’m drifting off to sleep, there’s a knock on my door.

“Just a minute,” I scream.

Whoever it is will have to hold their britches long enough for me to get off of this dang couch and back into my chair. I make it to the door a few minutes later and swing it open.

“Hey girlie, want to come over? Brad’s heading to his grandfather’s house tonight to help him move some stuff around.”

My best friend Laura is standing outside of my apartment door smiling down at me. Laura is freakishly tall, so looking up at her from my chair seems like a workout at times.

“Laura,” I smile. “The last time I spent the night with you we were so loud that we kept the children up and they grounded us.”

Laura laughs.

“True,” she admits. “But, this time, they’re staying with some friends. So, it’s just going to me you and me for a little girl time.”

I turn and head towards my room.

“Sounds good to me,” I say. “Let me pack a bag and I’ll be ready to go.”

This is just what I need. Something to keep my mind distracted and away from he who deserves no name.

Chapter Four


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