Ink's Second Chance - Carol Dawn Page 0,30

ready, we are too.”

Bear’s facial expression doesn’t match his words or his tone. Whatever it is that they’re talking about, he’s clearly not very happy about it.

I turn and follow Sammy to a table with Wolf, Laura, Thea, and Trigger.

“Biscuits and gravy for breakfast today,” Laura says. “The kids love it.”

I look at the table beside us and smile as I watch the older kids stuff their cute little faces with biscuits and gravy.

I can’t wait to have children. I want a house full of beautiful little boys and girls. I want there to never be silence. I know it’s a silly thing to want, but I can’t wait for it.

I wonder how Sammy will react when I tell him?

I glance over only to catch him watching me with a small smile. I smile back and wait as Wolf moves a chair from the table. I scoot against the table and lock my wheels.

“By the way,” I say to Sammy. “Wolf’s my favorite biker. Just so you know.”

I smile at Sammy as he glares at Wolf. Wolf throws his head back and laughs causing the rest of us, including Sammy, to do the same.

“You’re in trouble,” Sammy informs me. “I will be your only favorite biker.”

“Well, Wolf helped me pee this morning, and he carried me down the stairs while you were getting squished by four giant tits.”

This time, his glare aims right for me and I laugh.

Yesterday was the worst day of my life. Even worse than when I was in the accident that lost me my legs. But, sitting here now, with a table full of laughter, a room full of family, I feel happier than I have in a long time.

And it’s all because of Sammy.

Chapter Seventeen


Rachel is minutes away from being locked in our room.

“I don’t care what you say, Sammy,” she says for the third time. “I don’t get to see her that often and she’s only here for a day.”

“Then tell her to meet you here,” I say. Again.

“Have you met my sister?” she says. “She is the exact same way she was all those years ago.”

“An uptight snob who thinks she’s better than everyone else?” I ask bitterly.

“EXACTLY,” Rachel shouts.

I want to be angry, but her response makes me smile. Never one to keep her thoughts to herself no matter who it was about.

We’re sitting in the lounge along with everyone else. They’re all pretending like they aren’t paying attention to our little disagreement, but I can see their heads tilt a little when we lower our voices below a scream.

Except for Trigger. He’s just staring right at us. I don’t even think he’s blinking.

Nosey fucks.

“Then I’m coming with you,” I say sternly.

“Becky hates you,” she reminds me.

Becky has hated me since high school. As much as I hate to admit it, she had a good reason. I have always been attracted to Rachel. When we were seniors in high school, I asked her to go out with me and she said yes.

Of course, my stupid ass had to act all tough and mighty in front of my friends and I ended up pushing her away. Something I’ll never forgive myself for.

But, before I broke my beautiful woman’s heart, I was full of puppy love. Becky warned me multiple times that if I hurt her sister then she would hurt me.

I laughed it off at the time, but she didn’t lie. When Rachel graduated from high school and moved away, Becky paid me a visit one evening and broke my nose.

“Her feelings about me don’t matter,” I tell Rachel. “All I care about is your safety. She can break my nose all she likes.”

Rachel tries to hold it in, but she bursts out laughing.

I see that she’s been informed of her sister’s little visit.

“There’s no way she’s ever going to be okay with us as a couple,” she says once she calms down. “When I told her over the phone, I wasn’t able to get another word in. I think she might be learning the witchcraft way of life at this very moment just so she can curse you.”

She sits there and smiles at me.

I can’t help myself. I stand and take the few steps separating us.

“I’m coming with you,” I say, leaning down and placing a small kiss on her lips. “I love you, baby. It would kill me if something else happened to you.”

Yeah, I’m a dick for using her attack to get my way, but it’s the truth. I would Copyright 2016 - 2024