Ink's Second Chance - Carol Dawn Page 0,26

gently moving the hair off of my forehead. I remember thinking that it was so odd that something so evil could be so gentle.”

Dead. I don’t care who the fuck he is. He’s dead.


As strange as it is to say, telling this group of rough-looking men about my attack isn’t so hard. Going over every single detail multiple times is making my heart race and the fear return, but I don’t feel embarrassed or scared to tell them.

Maybe it’s because I know deep down that they’re all good men.

I watch as Sammy paces the room and I feel bad for being the cause of his anger. Rationally, I know that he isn’t mad at me, but I do know that I’m the reason his emotions are all over the place. It takes him a few minutes, but he finally sits back down beside me.

“He told me that he wanted to teach you all a lesson,” I continue. “He said that this club ruined his life.”

“Do you know who he is?” Bear asks me.

I shake my head.

“I’ve never met him or the other two males before today,” I admit.

I watch the look of disappointment cross the men’s faces.

“But, for some odd reason,” I continue. “He did tell me their names.”

“Do you remember them?” The largest male asks. I think his name is Brick.

Antonia, Frankie, Roman. I’ll never forget them for the rest of my days.

I look down at my hands and nod. I already told Sammy that I knew the names, but it’s clear he didn’t let everyone else know that I did. Except the two men, Bear and Hawk. They don’t look surprised at my admission.

“The two men who attacked me,” I said, not yet able to say the word rape to them. “The first man called them Antonio and Frankie. But I’m not sure which one was which.”

“Did he happen to give any last names?” Slim asks.

He’s been sitting beside me typing away on his laptop. There’s no telling what he’s digging through.

I nod.

“The first man told me that they were cousins of his,” I say.

“And what was the first man’s name, baby?”

I look over and watch as Sammy’s green eyes lock onto mine. I keep that connection as I continue.

“Roman Hernández,” I say.

I watch in fascination as Sammy’s eyes widen and darken.


“No, fucking way.”

“He said that this club ruined his life,” I continue, ignoring everyone’s outbursts. “Apparently his father disowned him, and he thinks getting revenge against you for whatever you did will put him back in his father’s good graces.”

“He’s supposed to be in prison,” Chains says.

“Yeah, not so much,” Slim says from beside me. “It appears that the prison had a power failure last month and half a dozen convicts escaped. Including, our one and only, Roman Hernández and his father.”

“I should have killed that fucker when I had the chance,” Bear growls.

“Wait a second,” Sammy says. “The signature from the notes.”

“H.C. Hernández Cartel,” Trigger finishes.

“Increase security,” Bear says. “Bring in the fucking Bunnies if you have to. I want someone on watch twenty-four seven.”

“I don’t think the Bunnies are all that necessary,” Sammy says guiltily.

I simply shake my head and grin.

“You’re a manslut through and through,” I say, causing everyone to chuckle.

“Not anymore, baby,” Sammy says seriously. “You’re all I want.”

I look down at my hands, hiding my smile.

What those men did to me scared me, hurt me, and humiliated me. But it didn’t break me. It didn’t take away my desire for Sammy. If anything, it made me crave him more. Because I know that he’ll make the feeling of those touching me vanish.

I just hope that he’s still actually interested in me knowing that I’ve been dirtied up by his enemy.

Chapter Fifteen


Roman fucking Hernández.

The bastard escaped prison and decided to enact his revenge by having my woman raped?

I’m itching to get my hands on all three of them.

I take Rachel back out to the lounge to hang with Laura. We have plans to make and she doesn’t need to be involved in that part.

“What’s wrong with Rose?” Laura asks as we stop by the couch.

Looking over I see Rose engulfed in Bear’s arms as she trembles in fear.

“Roman Hernández escaped,” I tell Laura.

Her eyes widen with understanding.

“What am I missing?” Rachel asks.

“I’ll tell you all about it,” Laura says.

“We both will,” Rose adds, sitting down next to Laura. “It’s a long story.”

“I need to head back,” I tell Rachel. “Will you be alright?”

She nods with confidence. I smile and lean down to press Copyright 2016 - 2024