Inferno of Darkness (Divisa Huntress #2) - J.L. Weil Page 0,88

But now…

I trusted Ashor with more than my life. And I would find a way to trust that what he said about Verena never touching him was the truth.


His eyes were closed as rays of orange and gold splayed over the right side of his face. It was unusual to gaze at the Prince of Darkness bathed in sunlight. He was fit for the night, yet somehow just as gorgeous in the daylight.

Resting the side of my face on the pillow, I drew up my knees, battling with my desires and my head. They were at war with one another. In the end, the bond tying me to Ashor won. I was powerless to refuse our connection, and spending the night alone, without him beside me, only deepened my ache to get closer to him.

Ashor was part of me. I was part of him. Divided, neither of us was whole.

I swung my legs out of bed and softly padded across the room to where he stretched out in the chair. Long legs extended in front of him, while his hands were folded on his belly. He was still fully clothed in the black pants and shirt he wore yesterday. As my eyes feasted on his form, I wished his wings were out so I could feel their silky feathers against my skin.

My wrath toward the queen was no less than it had been last night, but my anger at the prince had cooled significantly. Now all I wanted was to feel his arms wrapped around me. It seemed my ability to hold a grudge against the prince was a bit more difficult thanks to the deep connection between us.

He didn’t move as I crawled into his lap, but a soft sigh escaped his lips, parting them. His shirt was unbuttoned halfway, and my fingers splayed over his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart under my hand. My wandering fingers didn’t get far. Ashor’s hand reached up, grabbing mine. Dark violet eyes blinked at me, clouded with sleep, as if he didn’t see me at first. “Lexi?”

“Who were you expecting?” A soft edge leaked into my voice before I could stop it. I no longer wanted to fight and was ready to move into the kiss and make up phase.

He flinched before the lines around his mouth and forehead relaxed, as did the hand gripping my wrist. “We sleep in the castle of a demon queen who I trust very little. And my mother taunts me. It isn’t farfetched to expect the unexpected.”

He was worried. I pressed my forehead to his. He didn’t often open up to me and the fact that he chose to now warmed my heart. “I didn’t sleep well either, if that is any consolation.”

“It’s not. My wards only protect against demon attacks, not personal demons. Being apart, even in sleep, takes a toll, more so now that our connection is deeper.” He brushed at a messy stray strand of my hair, tucking it back into place.

My cheek arched toward his touch. “Then we make a promise to never sleep without the other, no matter how pissed I might be at you.”

The corner of his lips twitched as he slipped his fingers to my hips, pulling me closer. “Swear it in blood,” he murmured.

“I’ll do one better. I swear it on our bond.”

“As do I,” the prince whispered against my lips right before he claimed them in a kiss.

Lightning zipped through my veins at the first taste of his darkness. It had been a single night where we hadn’t shared a bed, and yet as I moved my lips over his, it seemed like months since we were close, since his skin pressed against mine, since our tongues tangled in a dance as old as time.

This link that fastened us together was stronger than I ever fathomed. Every fiber of my being hummed in response to him. I had a newfound respect for Chase and Angel’s relationship and all the hurdles they overcome.

Ashor ended the kiss far too soon, but he kept his hands looped around my waist. “I do not want my oath to Verena to drive a wedge between us. I need you to know that I have no intention of spending the night with her. And I am sorry that I allowed you to entertain the idea of us being together for a second. A part of me relished in your jealousy. I am part demon and not above such emotions. This Copyright 2016 - 2024