Infernal (Shadow Guild Hades & Persephone #1) - Linsey Hall Page 0,19

was sitting with Mac, and pop!” She snapped her fingers. “Your presence was gone.”

“You could feel that?”

She nodded. “It was weird. And I had this instinct that if I transformed into a raven, I could find you. And I was right. I imagined you, and here I am.”

“Probably because that form is linked to death, and I’m in the Underworld.”

“Are you dead?”

I swallowed hard. “I hope not. Underworlds are separate planes of existence. They’re often inhabited by the dead, but the living can visit, too. So I think I’m still alive.”

“I can try to bring you with me back to Guild City.”

“How?” Excitement flared.

“I don’t know. I’ll sit on your shoulder and transform, then imagine going back, just like I’ve been doing.”

“Let’s try it!”

She nodded, and her magic swirled once more, transforming her into a raven. Her feathers glinted velvety black under the light as she flew, landing on my shoulder. She was heavier than I expected. Her claws dug into my flesh, pain stinging.

Her magic flared, bringing with it the scent of a fresh breeze. A moment later, she disappeared from my shoulder.

Disappointment dragged at me. Damn it.

A few moments later, the raven reappeared in front of me, transforming quickly into Beatrix. A frown creased her brow. “Sorry. No luck.”

“Thanks for trying.”

“Why are you here, anyway?”

“I was kidnapped by Hades.”

Her eyebrows rose. “You were what, now?”

I told her the whole story, starting with returning to the library and trying to find the mist to save Mac and ending up here.”

“Holy crap, that’s crazy.” She backed up to the couch and sat heavily. “I’ll never get used to this weird world.”

“Sure you will.” I followed her to the couch and sat, soul heavy. “How is Mac?”

“Same. Maybe a little worse.”

“How long does Eve think we have to save her?”

“Honestly? Maybe a week.”

My skin chilled.

Just a week. Shit, shit, shit. “I’m going to save her. I just need time.”

“How can I help?”

“You’re a lifesaver.” I gripped her arm, mind racing. I had help. “I know we haven’t known one another long, but I appreciate it so much.”

“Of course.” She stood. “What can I do?”

“Can you bring food from Guild City? I can’t eat anything here, or I risk staying forever.”

“That’s real?”

“Far as I know.”

She nodded. “I’ll do that. Then I’ll be back.”

“I’m glad you’re one of us. The Shadow Guild is better with you in it.”

She smiled, then stepped back. Magic swirled around her once again, and she transformed back into a raven. In one graceful swoop, she was out of the room.

I turned toward the bed, where Kerala had laid out the dress. Even from here, it looked scandalous. I strode toward it and picked it up off the bed, making quick work of putting it on.

I turned toward the mirror, catching sight of myself.


The black silk clung to every inch of me like a second skin, higher in the front but dipping low in the back. It fell around my legs like water, making me look like an old Hollywood starlet. From the neck down, a least. My wet hair made my top bit look like a drowned rat. I’d have to fix that.

Had Hades picked this out?

I thought of his cold, inhuman gaze.

No, definitely not.

He was a machine. He probably wouldn’t know what to do with me in a dress like this.

But maybe I could use that to my advantage.



Twenty minutes after I finished doing my hair—a haphazard effort, given that a library-chic messy topknot was my preferred style—a knock sounded at the door.

My heart thudded heavily, and I rose to answer it.

Lucifer stood on the other side, and his brows rose when he saw me. “Well, well. Don’t you look good enough to eat.”

I inspected his mouth for fangs. “Do you do that sort of thing?”

“Not as a rule, but for you, I could make an exception.”

“No thanks.” I made a shooing gesture with my hand. “Let’s go.”

His dark gaze moved from my body to my face. “Excited for your date?”

I shot him a wry look. “Very. Now, come on.”

He nodded and turned, striding down the hall. I followed, my mind spinning. Was this the right way to play things?

But what other option did I have? I had my freedom, and it seemed wise to use it for information and possible bargaining chips. Not to mention, Hades had no problem using his magic to move my body around like I was a doll.

I shivered at the memory, my skin growing cold.

As Lucifer led me through the halls, Copyright 2016 - 2024