Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,99

with a view.

“I do love her,” I managed, swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat.

“Have you said that to her in the last few days?”

I shot a look in his direction, unable to answer him.

“Take one last piece of advice, Gabriel. Never allow a single day to go by without telling her how much you love her.”

“I’ll take that under advisement.” I checked my watch, grimacing seeing the time. There was one stop that needed to be made, one Alessandra has insisted on. “One last curiosity. Why didn’t Luis share the truth in the beginning when he sent the contract?”

He walked closer, his eyes twinkling. “I did have a few opportunities to spend with Mr. Toro prior to his death. He admired you, although he knew you were a tormented man. From what Stephen told me, Luis didn’t have any idea who was behind the situation. He trusted no one, including his own attorney. Maybe he was afraid of saying too much. Maybe he needed to be certain he could trust you.”

“Stephen held those letters from Luis the entire time. Why the fuck would he do that?” I’d been asking that question for days. While I’d learned that Alessandra had received another note from her father moments before the wedding, she’d only mentioned that she was the reason Luis extorted the information and nothing more.

Jefferson grinned. “That’s where it’s still a mystery. Stephen wasn’t holding them. He obviously hired someone else. Even courier services can be authorized to deliver when requested for the right price. Maybe Luis Toro wanted you to search for the answers in order to find yourself, including what’s in your heart. I believe that worked. You had the courage to accept a destiny that you deserve.”

I chuckled as I walked toward the door. I wasn’t certain I was deserving of a beautiful, innocent creature. “I’ll call you in a few days.”

“Take a long honeymoon. Rediscover Ireland. Enjoy the passion.”

“Goodbye, Jefferson.”

What I was about to do would take every ounce of courage I had left.

But I would do it in the name of love.

* * *

“Why are we here?” I asked, although I wasn’t certain I wanted to know the answer. The small bank was outside of the city and only used by locals.

Alessandra held out her hand. “Just trust me.”

The moment I took her fingers into mine, the electricity soared as it did every time that I touched her. Although there was a difference. The touch meant so much more. “I do trust you, with my life.”

She smiled, her grip remaining firm as we walked inside. As soon as I realized we were going to the lockbox room, I stiffened. She’d obviously been holding onto something her father had sent her.

I stood several feet away as the bank employee worked with her in order to open the small container. Even my pulse was skipping. Luis Toro might have the last laugh, although I wasn’t certain I could blame him. I’d never been a decent boss to work for. That would change as well.

I gave her time to peer into the box, her hand shaking as she pulled out various contents, including an envelope with my name on it.

“I believe this is for you,” she whispered.

While I should feel relief at seeing the jump drive he’d used to collect data, what I felt was admiration for Luis. He’d been a man of true honor, the simple words on his note releasing the last of my anger.


I knew you were a man of great integrity, which is why I was unable to go through with the demands made, even though my daughter’s life was threatened. I also knew you would protect and love her, as you will until the end of time. I’ve left all I had in her name. I hope you will also help her achieve greatness in whatever she longs to do in her life.


So much was lost in order to exact revenge, the same kind of retaliation I’d planned for ten years. In the end, Jefferson had been right. I’d found happiness as well as the man hiding inside. Sadly, I knew it was too late.

“Stocks. Bonds. He has a bank account here,” she half whispered as she looked at the items. “Is the money...”

I moved closer, taking her shaking hand. “I already told you. Luis didn’t steal any money from me. Whatever he saved, he did so with you in mind. Your father loved you very much.”

A single tear slipped down Copyright 2016 - 2024