Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,89

Maybe now she fully understood what kind of man I was and the reasons why.

I’d wanted nothing more than to banish Liam from my home, but after seeing the horror in his eyes, the guilt and shame, I’d been unable to do anything but pour a glass of scotch, retreating into myself once again.

I was a weak and sick fuck, a man incapable of giving a damn about anyone or anything. No. No... That wasn’t entirely true. I would set Alessandra free, but only after making certain she was safe. That would be my gift to her.

Did I believe Liam that Jefferson had merely wanted to learn the truth and to help my family realize how much I’d changed? Perhaps. But that didn’t matter to me. Jefferson had still betrayed me, going behind my back in order to satisfy his curiosity about why I was such a twisted man.

I lifted my glass to him. He’d had more balls than I’d given him credit for.

But was he capable of destroying me?

Someone certainly was and he was the only one with enough ammunition to do so.

I couldn’t take my eyes off her, anger and desire mixing in a dangerous combination.

“Who is she?” Liam asked quietly.

“Part of a deal.”

“A deal? No. Don’t give me that bullshit. I can tell she’s someone you care about very much. I’m ecstatic for you, brother. You deserve happiness.”

I bristled hearing his words, wrapping my hand around the glass tightly. “She is mine to protect.”

“Okay. I don’t understand.”

My heart racing, I watched the way she pulled her feet under her, the sunglasses I’d allowed as a privilege covering a good portion of her face. While she had a book in her hand, I knew she wasn’t reading. I hadn’t had the damn courage to race after her when she’d run, even telling Kito to simply keep an eye on her, allowing her to roam the house and grounds.

She certainly deserved it after finding out something so horrible.

I finally shifted my gaze in his direction. “Someone is out to destroy me, brother, and so far, they’ve done a damn good job.”

“Meaning?” he asked.

I took a sip of my drink, barely able to tolerate the smooth liquor. My throat was half closed, my heart racing. “Her father stole significant financial files from me after several years of employment, but I believe he’d been forced into doing so.”

“Perhaps by this person also gathering info about the accident?” Liam asked, moving around me and making himself a drink.

“Maybe so. The only person capable was Jefferson. You are right. I do care about her. Too much so. A weakness that I can’t afford any longer and Jefferson knew that. She will be taken from me if I don’t hide her.”

“None of this is making any sense.” Liam shook his head.

“It’s a very long and sordid story. She is being used as a pawn. I had an unusual opportunity and I took it.”

“But you never expected to fall in love.”

I curled my lip as I stared at him. “I’m coming home, Liam.”

“Where you belong, brother.”

“But first, I have to save the portion I built. I can’t allow anyone to destroy me.”

He walked closer, lifting his glass. “I will help you, if you’ll allow me to. What you’ve done is amazing.”

I studied his eyes once again, searching for answers that only I could provide to myself. There was no doubt he’d been forced to stay away from me for fear of facing our father’s wrath. Could I forgive him? Yes. Would I forget? Sighing, I allowed our glasses to touch. “I will allow it.”

“I don’t know what’s going on, but Jefferson is not your enemy. We will find out who is. And before you ask me, your enemy is my enemy. I will never allow anything to come between us again. You have my promise, brother.” As he placed his fist against his heart, I could still see the little brother who’d followed me everywhere I went, the eager young man who’d wanted to be just like me.

I prayed to God that never happened.

“I appreciate that, Liam, and I’m glad to have you here.” I shifted my gaze toward the door, my heart aching.

“Go to her, Gabriel. I could see such love in her eyes. You need to talk with her.”

While I had no idea what to say, I nodded. “When I return, I will tell you everything about the contract and what I suspect has occurred. Then we will lay out a plan. I Copyright 2016 - 2024