Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,85

the most by destroying my reputation?

“What is it?” Jefferson asked.

“Another warning.”


What I knew about games was that keeping a poker face as well as never playing your hand until the right moment was imperative. This was no exception, no matter who was standing in front of me. “Bobby Rivers.”

“Isn’t that interesting?”

“Very much so. Did you find out anything on his recent activity?” My thoughts drifted to the last text. Had Luis somehow been forced into working for the Rivers family? They were certainly a part of the old boys’ network, capable of using their power in corrupt manners, but would they resort to killing? Maybe the intent had been to scare Luis into following through with his mission by threatening his daughter. Given my interference, quite cleverly determined by Luis himself, that would certainly put them on edge. No wonder Luis had requested that I marry her. That would ensure not only her safety but put a certain amount of fear into the network of men who would enjoy seeing me fail.

Luis hadn’t given up the information. Clever bastard. Then where had he hidden it?

Jefferson sighed, finally moving toward a coffeepot, taking his time pouring a cup. “I’ve put out some feelers, Gabriel, but I already told you that drawing attention to the deal you made regarding Alessandra’s freedom wasn’t in your best interest. I’ve already fielded four additional phone calls in the last two days from the press regarding the unusual circumstances. They are not going to let this go. I’ve done my best to keep the wolves at bay, but I assure you, that’s not going to last forever. You will have to face questions if not hefty allegations.”

“What else aren’t you telling me?”

He appeared sheepish as hell.

“Look, while the judge might have agreed on this insanity, the prosecuting attorney is making waves, attempting to have Judge Taylor’s ruling thrown out. I have to tell you that it is a distinct possibility. If that occurs, there is nothing you or your wealth can do to alter the outcome. She will go to prison.”

“Then you need to find out why she was framed. It’s quite obvious her worthless attorney couldn’t handle the task. My guess is that Stephen Cantor was placed under the same pressure that Luis Toro was. Whatever this game is that’s being played, I’m directly in the middle of it.”

He rubbed his eyes, finally taking a sip of his coffee then pushing the cup away. “Why, Gabriel? Why go to all that trouble? Because this network you insist exists doesn’t like the fact you’re succeeding? Because of the Braxton land deal? Those families you believe are out to get you have better things to do and they certainly wouldn’t hire one of their family members to place threats. That doesn’t make any sense.”

“If Bobby Rivers is behind the threats being made, I will take him down and I don’t give a shit who his family is.”

“Goddamn it. You’re infuriating. As I said, I asked around. From what I’ve been told, the kid is laying low. He’s living on his family’s ranch. He hasn’t gotten into any trouble since the incident at the bar. You can’t always be the vigilante on things. You’re going to find yourself in more trouble than...”

“Than what, Jefferson?” I inched closer, daring him to bring up the past. “Go ahead. Say it. Say whatever you’ve wanted to say since the day I arrived in America. Tell me that I’m a murderer. I already know that.” I clenched my fist, prepared for whatever he was going to throw at me.

“Damn it,” Jefferson hissed, his face reddening. “Why don’t you just concentrate on business?”

I allowed the silence to reign.

“I’m not saying anything to you. You’ve suffered enough for a crime... For an accident that nearly destroyed your family. Now tell me more about these threats you’ve received.”

Accident. Perhaps that was easier for him to swallow. Snarling, I sucked in my breath, controlling my anger.

“Enough to know that someone is threatening to share a wretched story about a girl in my life. There have only been two.”

For a split second, I noticed the change in his demeanor, the flash in his eyes. I refused to acknowledge my fury. “What about the wedding?”

“While I’m not your personal wedding planner, everything is in order. You may want to allow your bride to be to select her own dress, or would you prefer to do that for her like everything else?”

“Damn it, Jefferson. There is much more at Copyright 2016 - 2024