Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,76

I could see the light change in his eyes.

I’d touched his scar, given him a reminder that he wasn’t whole, but I refused to stop, continuing to caress his skin.

When he slowed his actions, I locked my feet together, fearful that he’d walk away, punishing me even more.

Gabriel remained, the look in his dazzling eyes changing once again and for the next few minutes, we were as one. He was no longer just fucking me.

We were making love.

And it felt so right.


Yet I knew in those few powerful moments that they wouldn’t last.

Even though words slipped past my lips, ones I’d determined never to say.

“I love you.”

Chapter Fourteen


The past...

The newest threat had come just as we’d returned from the drive, the blip of my phone giving me a cold chill. While I’d ignored it at the moment, I also realized there was more to this tale being told. This was nothing more than a wretched game.

I stood with a glass of wine in my hand, watching as she finished swimming laps, taking her time before coming in to accept her discipline. I was looking forward to this round, my body craving something more intense.


I’d studied various methods over the years, the joy and consideration of inflicting pain a part of my broken psyche. I’d learned to appreciate the art in ways the majority of men couldn’t handle.

Or would refuse to tolerate.

I wasn’t most men, embracing my sadistic needs the same way as my requirement for breathing. Thirst rushed into my system, leaving my throat parched and my tongue swollen. I polished off the glass of wine even though I knew the liquid would be unable to help my condition.

The only way to quench my thirst was by driving my tongue into her pretty pink pussy all over again, the moment in the field not nearly enough. That would have to come later.

We’d enjoyed another afternoon, the joy of doing simple things allowing me to breathe for the first time in years. Hell, maybe I could achieve happiness after all. She remained by the pool, preparing for another harsh spanking. Her disobedience was my fault for not keeping the rules I’d started, for indulging in pleasures of the flesh.

This was her favorite room in the house. She didn’t give a crap about fancy items or expensive furniture. She was happy curling up on the couch, enjoying the simple pleasures of a glass of wine.

I marveled that she’d realized this was my personal space, the one location in this wing of the house I’d felt comfortable. However, I still rarely walked outside, preferring the comforting room enshrouded in shadows from the waning light. I wasn’t certain why I’d brought her here the first time. The decision had been last minute, perhaps testing my own resolve.

Now I couldn’t imagine spending time with her anywhere else.

Other than in her bedroom, the nightly visits something I craved more than anything. Just being able to take her in the darkness seemed filthy, more sinful than any other time.

Maybe I should consider my behavior a complete failure, although I’d been allowed to see another side of her. Gentle.



All things I usually hated.

As I took another sip, savoring the selection of merlot, my phone buzzed once again. This time there was no hesitation. I yanked it from my pocket, glaring at the screen.

I know what you did to her...

What. The. Fuck?

Had I made a mistake thinking this was about business? My body began to shake, my heart racing. I was sick of the fucking game. Using one hand, I texted back:

Who the fuck are you?

As I expected, the asshole had cut my ability to respond. Hissing, I tossed the phone onto the table, pacing the room. This had to be about Alessandra, which meant my instincts about Bobby Rivers were correct. He was coming after her through me. Well, fuck him. The goddamn asshole had another think coming.

My anger was off the chain, my heart racing. I would wrap my hands around the fucker’s throat. I still wanted to know the connection with Luis. Bobby would tell me or the penance would be much worse. I chuckled at the thought and polished off my wine, my anger replaced with burning desire.

I took a deep breath, able to smell a hint of her perfume lingering in the entrance.

One of the many privileges I’d given her over the past few days. I enjoyed seeing her in lovely clothes, her beautiful eyes highlighted by the various hues I selected. As I Copyright 2016 - 2024