Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,69

on my bottom a reminder that I wasn’t to ask questions. And I certainly hadn’t dared to ask him anything about his family.

Or his scar.

There was always a fine line of tension when he spent any time together other than embroiled in moments of raw animalistic cravings. Words left unsaid. Questions left unanswered. It was like living in a glass house, waiting for a single rock to shatter the glorious surroundings.

He eased me into the seat, placing his hands on my shoulders. “I’m going to show you what I built.” I watched as he rounded the car, yanking the pair of sunglasses from his shirt. Everything about him seemed lighter, less stressful, but I knew better.

It was as if there was a ticking bomb waiting to explode.

Gabriel was reckless, including his driving, the rumble of the powerful engine only adding to the magnificence of the drive. I felt free, if only for a few precious moments. The wind through my hair, the sun on my face, and even the way he shifted gears with utter force added to the excitement of our adventure. A bad girl let out of her cage. What could be better than the open road?

The estate was much larger than I’d assumed, the winding road moving through glorious forests and adjacent to beautiful streams. There were at least a dozen outbuildings and barns, the backdrop mountains and blue sky. We passed by several fenced fields and in the distance, I could just make out a few incredible horses. The dozens of acres were all well maintained yet remaining natural in appearance.

As he shifted gears, moving onto an access road, he finally darted a glance in my direction.

“Where are we going?” I asked again.

“Good things come to little girls who wait patiently.” He brushed his fingers across my leg before wagging his finger back and forth. “But for those who aren’t, they will be stripped and left tied naked to a tree.”

For the first time since arriving at his house I laughed, a moment of true joy sweeping through my system. If only every day could be like this. If only he was the kind of man who wanted to share a life with me. All of it was likely an act, a preparation for our upcoming wedding.

I’d only been told a few details, although I was aware there were several prominent guests invited. What did it matter? I would be there in body only. I shifted in my seat, the jeans scratching against the latest spanking I’d received. Just another reminder that I was his possession.

He studied my face, the slight smile fading as he noticed the change in my mood. Then he pressed on the accelerator, zooming around several corners far too sharply. He was angry with me, an impetuous child throwing a temper tantrum.

Round and round he went, the vibrations of the engine roaring into every cell and muscle. I was breathless, clenching my eyes closed as the wind whipped through my hair, the adrenaline rush so damn powerful.

I gripped the dashboard, waiting for him to make a fatal mistake. To kill us. To take us straight into hell. A laugh bubbled from my lips even as the sickening feeling became overwhelming. What was wrong with me? Did I really want to die? He veered to the right, the sound of the tires screeching yanking at my breath. When he slowed down, stopping with a jerk before parking under a large oak tree, I took a gasping breath.

“Why? Why?” I demanded, stars still floating in my eyes.


“Why do you act that way, Gabriel? Or does it need to be sir? I have to remind myself that you’re not my boyfriend or my fiancé in any traditional sense. Sometimes I forget. There are times I can almost see us together. Isn’t that sick? Isn’t that crazy? But I remember why I’m here. To please you. To pay off my father’s debt. Now that I understand the truth, I realize I have no choice. But I won’t try and pretend this is anything other than what it is. Bullshit.”

I jumped out of the car, immediately expecting him to chase me down. Then I couldn’t help but smile. Somehow, his childish antics hadn’t terrified the horses. All four stood grazing in the pasture, the sounds of their whinnying the most incredible thing I’d heard in weeks. I tentatively took a look back, prepared for a reprimand, but Gabriel remained in the car, one arm stretched over the Copyright 2016 - 2024