Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,65

onto the deck, immediately moving to my feet and raking my hands through my hair.

“Who are you afraid of, Gabriel Masters?”

“No one.”

“Then why keep a gun with you?”

My God, the woman wouldn’t stop pushing. I was breathless from the building anxiety, the constant need for her that had a grip around me like the noose on my life. The hangman wanted me dead. That was for certain.

“Because it’s necessary. There will always be people who hunger to take what I have.” I grabbed my things, padding toward the very weapon she’d mentioned, appreciating the feel of cold steel. I could control the use of the weapon. What I couldn’t control was the woman who’d broken through a single layer of armor. “Because I’m not a good man.”

“That man you keep referring to brought me a chair and a light, purchased a gorgeous dress and lingerie. He even brought me a book to read in order to pass the time and loneliness. You didn’t have one of your security guards do that. You did. You watched me when I was sleeping, making certain I was all right. What kind of a man does that make you? Not a monster.”

I turned to face her, studying the way she peered over the edge of the pool, her eyes so damn imploring. She was attempting to figure me out. Sighing, I thought about my answer. “That makes me a fool.”

She shook her head. “I don’t know why the hell I crave you, but I do. Maybe you are a monster, but you’re certainly no fool. You accepted the deal from my father for an entirely different reason than simply payment for monies he owed you. You have more money than God himself. But with all your wealth, I can tell you are the unhappiest man on the face of this earth. That makes me terribly sad for you. While I will honor my father’s wishes and marry you, I will never be your wife. And if you honestly think you can break me, you’re wrong. I’m much stronger than I appear to be. That much my father taught me.”

Her words were heartfelt, even exciting, forcing me to realize that I wanted her more than ever.

No. No. No!

This was unacceptable.

I walked into the house, chastising my behavior, the single blip on my phone enough to annoy the fuck out of me. Snarling, I yanked it into my hand, studying the odd text, the sender unknown.

I know what you did.

What in the hell did that mean? Who the fuck are you? I texted back, only to have realize my number had already been blocked. A cold chill shifted down my spine. Approximately five people had this number and not a single one of them would dare issue that kind of statement. Someone was purposely fucking with me.

As I dialed Jefferson’s number, I turned my gaze on Alessandra. She could never understand the man inside.

“Gabriel.” Jefferson’s tone held surprise.

“I want to know Bobby Rivers’ whereabouts at all times.”

“Is something wrong?”

I exhaled, my instincts on high alert. “Let’s just say I believe that the asshole sent me a message.”

“A threat?”

“I would call it a promise. Find out everything you can about him and let me know. I want to know his whereabouts and the people he’s talking to.”

Jefferson hesitated before answering. “Be careful about making additional enemies. The last thing you want is for the Rivers family to put pressure on Judge Taylor to rescind his order and yes, he can do that. Keep in mind that Bobby is still a victim of a horrific crime and from what I’ve heard, he’s received several threats himself.”

“Bobby Rivers is no innocent man, Jefferson. Don’t fool yourself. He’ll get what’s coming to him. I have no doubt. I want him tracked. Period.”

While Jefferson hissed, I could almost smell the resignation through the phone.

“Fine. I’ll see what I can find. Just lay low for a little while.”

Chuckling, I wasn’t certain if that could be done. “I’ll see what I can do.”

I tossed the phone, the threat remaining in my mind. Perhaps remaining out of sight for a few days was in my best interest. That could potentially draw Rivers out of his hiding place. And I had the perfect indulgence to take my mind off business.

I turned as I heard her enter, the sight of her in the dress even more provocative than before. First, I needed to find out everything she knew about her father and about the man who’d Copyright 2016 - 2024