Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,36

learn your place, Alessandra. I do not take kindly to being attacked. I can see you’ve yet to learn a single lesson.” With one brutal yank, he bent me over, jerking the ugly gown above my waist, the sound of the material ripping floating between us.

“No. No!” His hold was powerful, keeping me in position as he brought his hand down from side to side.

“I am your master and you will be punished until you learn,” he stated, every word oozing with lust.

Until I’m broken.

The stinging sensations quickly morphed into actual pain rolling into my legs. I would never stop fighting him. My mind was exploding from the information, the coldness of his delivery as he tried to disparage my father. Gabriel was wrong. He was a liar. He was...

The spanking continued, his fingers digging into me as I threw jab after jab against his massive body until I was left exhausted and entangled in the wretched web of deceit. Who could I trust any longer? Where would I find the truths?

“Respect, sweet girl. You will soon learn.” His words continued to shift into my mind, pulling me further into the nightmare.

Over my dead body.

The heat on my bottom became oppressive, riding along the small of my back, tickling every muscle. But I refused to stop fighting, to give in.

He smacked me long and hard, the crack of his palm hitting my naked skin dulling the echoes of my heart.

Only when the pain became blinding did I lower my arms. “Please stop. Please. I’ll be good. I won’t fight you.”

He swatted me harder, peppering my bottom until the pain washed down my legs.

“Please, sir. Stop. Please. Sir.”

Exhaling, he caressed my heated skin. “Better. You can learn.”

Fuck you. Fuck you. “Yes. Sir,” I said between gritted teeth.

When he lifted me into a standing position, brushing hair from my face, he let out a strangled sigh. “Stop fighting me. This is not only what you need, I can tell it’s what you want.”

Was he crazy? Was he out of his mind? I couldn’t breathe or think clearly. His words were warped, sickening.

“Fuck you. That’s not true. It will never be true.” The eruption from my mouth was by instinct. He was trying to break me down with every touch, every action. I shoved him hard, but he was too strong, dragging me even closer. There was such fury in his eyes, the kind held by a predator the moment the hunt was successful.

He issued a low growl, the rumble in his chest husky, igniting another wave of flames. “That’s exactly what’s going to happen. You are mine. Mine to take and taste as often as I please.” He crushed his mouth over mine, tangling his fingers in my hair as he ground his hips against me, every action brutal and in defiance of my aggression.

I didn’t want him.

I couldn’t.


He was rock hard, his body tense, his demand all powerful. There was no way I was getting out of his hold. As he shifted his hand down my back, cupping my buttocks, I shoved my palms against his chest, even as I drank in his heady scent. As he lifted me off my feet, I shifted my hips, savoring the feel of his throbbing cock pushing against my tummy. I was lightheaded, my body shaking, my heart skipping several beats. I could no longer focus, my mind reeling from the information.

The lies.

The innuendos.

The accusations.

What was I supposed to believe any longer?

You want him. You hunger. You need.

No. No. I was exhausted, nothing more.

Master. Master. Master.

Gabriel bunched the gown up with his hand, the heated touch of his fingers driving me wild. He thrust his tongue past my lips, dominating me in every way. There was no way the man was going to take no for an answer. The revelation of how much I craved him was gut-wrenching, but almost impossible to avoid as I gathered a whiff of our combined scents.

I continued to pound my fists as the passion exploded, the chemistry off the charts, my pussy clenching then releasing. This was crazy. This was horrible. This was...

As he sucked on my tongue, he rolled his fingers up and down the crack of my ass. The sensations continued to explode, every cell in my body alive and electrified. He slipped a single finger to my darkened hole, forcing me to tense as he slipped it inside. A moan slipped past the heated passion. I wiggled back and forth, my hunger off the charts.

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