Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,32

my hands through my hair, finally able to control my breathing. As I walked to the door next to hers, I hesitated only a few seconds before walking inside. I kept the light off as I inched toward the window, the two-way glass allowing me to catch a glimpse of her.

My prize.

My possession.

All the hunger drifted away, the light of the moon cascading an almost perfect halo around her sleeping form. She was curled on her side, her long hair was fanned out across the pillows. She seemed almost serene, as if accepting her surroundings.

Except for the tears trickling down her cheek.

I would forever be a monster.

Chapter Seven


He’s watching you...





A laugh bubbled to my throat. Sir. Sir. Sir. Asshole. Bastard. Prick. That was more like it.

I felt his presence, my heart skipping even as an odd sense of pressure crushed against my chest. I knew he was studying me, hungering for me, the woman caged and waiting for his arrival. I could almost feel his hot breath cascading across my skin, the wetness of his lips as he pressed them against my neck. If I closed my eyes again, I had no doubt I would see his face, the beauty and the beast that encompassed him, ripping through muscle and bone.

As I rose into a sitting position, I stared at the mirror, fisting the thin blanket I’d been given. With only a splash of moonlight, the shadows in the room were foreboding. I was prepared for creatures to step out of the corners, finishing the deed started by their master. There was nothing but the blackness, haunting feelings of sadness.

Anger and despair. The two emotions were almost undiscernible, leaving me unable to sleep. Even when I’d closed my eyes, I hadn’t been able to rid myself of his face. As I climbed out of bed, a chill swept through me. He didn’t want me to know he was there.

Watching me.


Was he biding his time? How long before he’d drag me to the altar? How long before there would be no escape, legal or otherwise? He was oppressive, even in his silence, a master manipulator of his own emotions. Well, he couldn’t have mine. I would lock them away no matter the circumstances. I took a deep breath, shoving back the covers.

The wooden floor was only cool beneath my feet, yet as I padded closer, I could no longer feel my toes. Very slowly I walked toward the mirror and even in the darkness, I was certain I could just make out his silhouette, intense eyes penetrating the shadows.

Forever studying his caged pet.

I had no idea how long I stood in silence, but I could no longer stand it.

“Why are you doing this?” I whispered, as if my question would garner an answer. “This can’t be about money. What did my father do that was so horrible? If that’s the truth, he must have hated you for a very important reason. He was a good man, a wonderful father. He would never intentionally hurt anyone.” I hesitated, fighting the anger, the ugly truths I knew were crawling under the surface. “If he took money from you, there has to be a way I can repay you other than being an indentured servant. There has to be something to...” Why bother finishing the words? What would it matter?

I laughed, shifting my back to the surface and leaning against it. This had already become so much more, a vendetta of sorts. I shuddered, folding my arms in a crazy effort to stop my nipples from hardening. I couldn’t understand my reaction to Gabriel. I’d known him less than a day, a single freaking day, although time had already stopped.

There was nothing but additional silence, although a ticking metronome sounded off in my head.

“I read the portion of my father’s will, but I don’t believe it. Those things are easily forged. He wouldn’t do that to me. If he knew you at all, this isn’t what he would want for his daughter. Do you know that? Do you even care?”

There was no sound.

“Let me guess. Should I say, pretty please? Or do I just need to salute you before calling you sir?”

The silence was too much, the rapid beating of my heart creating echoes in my ears. I couldn’t fathom the horrors I’d be forced to face, the judgments that Gabriel would impose.

Turning quickly, I slapped my hand hard enough against the glass it vibrated beneath my fingers. “I know you’re there. I feel Copyright 2016 - 2024