Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,26


My investors were men and women from various walks of life, people I’d purposely targeted to break the hold a few astute and very powerful families had on Denver and other parts of Colorado. I could understand their concerns; however, I was finished with their weakness.

The question remained. Who had spread the news?

I doubted Jefferson would betray me, but I certainly knew who had the motive and the opportunity. Stephen Cantor was a snake, although very good at pretending to be one of the good guys. I should have known the NDA he’d been required to sign wouldn’t mean shit to a man walking both sides of the law. I would deal with him in my own time.

My way.

“People. Do you mean the individuals who have become very wealthy during the last few years and stand a chance at garnering more influence than the eight or so families who own this town?” When none of them had the balls to answer me, I snickered. “This particular deal I made does not and will not affect Masters Enterprises or the Braxton land transition. This is personal.” I stated the words as if they meant nothing to me.

“Some of our stockholders are deeply concerned your personal issues will be seen as a weakness. You’re going against the wishes of the Rivers family, for Christ’s sake, let alone the fact Luis Toro attempted to destroy this company. I don’t know what’s wrong with you lately, Gabriel. You seem to be more concerned about exacting revenge versus running a multimillion-dollar company. I for one am getting sick of your antics,” Joe huffed, his exclamation getting mixed reactions from the other board members. Joe Banton had never been a team player. The twinkle in his eye indicated he believed he had indeed found my personal weakness and would have no issue exploiting it.

I’d already considered searching for another board member. Perhaps it was time to escalate his exit package. While his severance wouldn’t be enough to pay off his gambling debt to a group of very nasty casino owners, perhaps it would be enough to keep him alive.

“Then I suggest you require sale of the investors’ stock,” I said without changing my tone of voice. The board certainly didn’t know the various details of Luis’ repayment options and they wouldn’t.

“That’s insane!” Joe shouted, smashing his hand on the table as he rose to his feet.

I tilted my head, making certain he looked me directly in the eyes. Swallowing, he finally eased back into his chair. I offered a smile, enjoying the fear creeping into his expression.

“You can’t do that, Gabriel,” Robert countered. “There is significant unrest in this community and you’re only going to create red flags if you do that. I’m no fool. There have been vultures buzzing overhead waiting for you to make a mistake. This could be the noose hanging around your neck.”

His words sounded as if they’d been thought about for some time.

“I have no issues handling whatever fallout occurs, Robert. Our latest contract will be finalized in ten days. Then we will be on our way to diversifying, building a powerful manufacturing firm instead of dismantling them.”

Robert sighed and pushed away from the table. “You don’t really care about our advice, Gabriel. You run your business as you see fit. While I initially applauded you based on your selection of new investors, I should have realized you had a hidden agenda.”

I would give the man credit for having the balls to stand up to me.

“You are well aware of the contracts every stockholder is required to sign, the provisions they agreed to. By speaking out against the company in any manner, they broke the terms. That allows me to do exactly what I damn well please. The stock will be sold back to the company. Period. Make it happen. Feel free to give them a decent price.” I swept my gaze around the room once again. “I will be making some changes to the direction and the makeup of this company. When I am ready, you will be told. For anyone who would like to question my personal decision to provide aid for a woman in trouble, I suggest you remember the ramifications of doing so.”

I rose to my full height, offering each one of them a smile. It felt damn good to get back into the office. However, it was time to pay a visit to Mr. Cantor. The press had continued to hound him long after Alessandra has Copyright 2016 - 2024